Chapter 28

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Theres a time skip here so it's nearly christmas break btw
"Buck I can't believe it's nearly Christmas?" Bucky didn't respond, he only threw a book in my vague direction.

"Shut up until I've finished this paper and the exam, I'll talk to you then."

I groaned rolling eyes. He was boring and busy, my exams had finished, I only had some of an essay to write, it was manageable. Everyone was busy and I was bored, leaving me stuck in Bucky's room whilst he studied. 

"Bother your boyfriend." 

I collapsed back on his bed dramatically sighing. "You don't love me!" 

"Never did." I gasped in pretend shock. "Oh hey are we meeting up with some people today?" Again no response. "Bucky!" He threw a thin book towards me.

"Shut the fuck up! I need that book give it back." I laughed at his anger, and walked over to him, placing it next to his computer. "I can go get coffee so I won't be bothering you." 

He span slightly on his chair, grinning up at me. "Please?" I grinned at his puppy dog eyes, and ruffled his dark hair, causing him to reach out to hit me as I walked over to the door. 

Once outside the building I grabbed my phone from my back pocket, checking any messages. Nothing from Tony, but I guessed he was busy with school again. The walk to the coffee shop seemed short, music gently playing through my headphones, a slight cold breeze surrounding me. A bell rang out as I walked inside, warmth blasted over my skin. "Can I have a mocha?" The girl behind the counter smiled and nodded, starting to make my drink. 

Warm drink in my hands, I slid into a seat in the back corner, scrolling through a fanfic I had been reading. 

Someone slid into the seat in front of me, their hands resting on the table. On reflex I switched my phone off, hiding the screen. The girl let out a laugh. "You go to my school." She pointed at my jacket that was sporting the school logo. I slowly nodded. 

"I'm sat with my friends over there and we saw you sitting alone, do you wanna join us?"

"Uh-" She clambered out of her seat, full of energy and dragged me over to the bigger table under harsher lights. I awkwardly stood at the edge of their group, before noticing Thor walk in through the doorway. The people around the table all looked over and waved at him, meaning they knew each other. "My friends!" His voice boomed over the gentle talk in the small room, making me and the people around wince. 

"Thor! Volume!" I turned to follow the voice. A guy sat at the table with Thor's friends had called out. His hair was blonde like mine, and as he met my eyes they held a mischievous glint. He was lent back slightly against another older looking guy, with dark hair and reassuring eyes.

"Sorry Clint." Thor looked sad as he now stood next to me, holding a hot drink.

The girl from earlier met my eyes and nodded to an empty seat, an indication I should sit down. I carefully sat next to who I assumed was Clint, awkwardly smiling. He lent forwards, seemingly studying my eyes. "Clint." His hand stuck out in front of my face, reminding me of Tony. I shook it, responding with a simple "Steve." The guy he was basically sat on reached round Clint and stretched out his hand. "Hi I'm Phil, it's nice to meet you."

The girl looked up from her phone and reaching far across the table, nearly spilling drinks held up hand to high-five. "I'm Wanda!" I hit her hand, confusion clear on my face. "Don't like handshakes and awkward introductions." She shrugged and climbed back comfortably in her seat, sitting crossed-legged. 

We talked for a while, the light from outside slowly fading as the sun set. 

The door opened again, and loud noise filled the café as teenagers began ordering drinks. Steve's head span round as he heard familiar voices, one in particular stood out. 






Greetings of hello and surprise flooded into my ears, but I kept my head low, feeling suddenly awkward in a social situation. An arm rested on my shoulder, my head spinning round to meet the eyes of Tony. He had a playful grin taking over his features, making me smile back. 

"Ooh black coffee!" I sighed, shaking my head as he called out his drinks order. "It's late, you shouldn't be drinking coffee." He rolled his eyes, "Like I actually sleep anyway."

As he turned to talk to one of the people next to him, I grabbed him by his waist and pulled him down onto the seat next to me. He pushed at me, but didn't move away. I left my hand resting gently on his hip, reassurance for both of us. 

People slowly sat down, dragging chairs around the table, and new introductions were made. I recognised Bruce, and Pepper, one of the cheerleaders. Nat turned and waved at me, before climbing over to sit with Wanda, their heads bent as they wrote something on paper. 

"Anyone got a hat?" A beanie appeared on the table, the pieces of now ripped up paper placed inside of it. 

"So secret Santa. Everyone okay with joining in? I know you don't all know each other directly, but friends of friends means you get to know more people ya know?" There was nodding as they agreed with Nat. The hat was passed around the table, Clint excitedly bounced next to me, grinning as he looked at the name and quickly folding it back up. 

I pulled out a slip of paper and Tony cautiously picked up one too. He looked up at me, showing me the name, it read "Bucky". I lightly smiled down at him, squeezing his side again. 

No ones POV

The talking went on for a while, Clint and Tony introducing themselves and eagerly talking at fast speeds. The coffee shop eventually shut it doors, leaving all of the teenagers to pile out onto the street, happy faces lit up by the street lamps. 

Tony and Clint continued to talk, Phil placing his arm over Clint's shoulders, leaning forwards slightly to fix the height difference. Steve, walking faster to keep up with his boyfriend, grabbed his loose hand, a cold hand, lacing their fingers together. 

The laughter placed out into the road, the view of the students walking under the yellow light looked like a scene from a movie, the snow that had started gently falling was illuminated by the orange haze. 

Yea so I figured y'all know I'm shit at updating on a schedule, but I was wondering what kind of schedule is good? Like a week? I hope this chapter makes up for it! I've been invested in another fandom recently *stares at a blank wall because of a recent ending of a show that stole my emotions*
I want to write a new story, or maybe several, what would y'all want? Or I'll just write shit and you might read it because you're all awesome people? Like seriously, 1.04k votes??? And so many reads? I simply cannot thank y'all enough.  It means the literal world!

So have a good day, night or just current moment in time :)
*hands out cake*
Ali! :))

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