Chapter 9

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My phone pinged constantly, a stinging sound to my ears. I took deep shaky breaths, my feet walked me towards Bruce's lab. My eyes closed and desperately tried to ground myself.

My feet stumbled over each other and I crashed forwards, the world dangerously spinning around me, the dimly lit walls cascading into darkness.

"Tony! Tony are you okay? What's going on?"
My face was squished against the floor, my body lay frozen unable to move. "Steve?" The voices in my head merged together, blurred and eventually faded away. 

"No no Tony it's me, Bruce. What happened?" He gently lifted me up, so I was sitting leant heavily on him. His hands felt soft and gentle, flowing with kindness and worry. My lip stung as I dragged my teeth over it, and my stomach lurched. Bruce's caring smile made my lip wobble and my eyes filled with tears again.

He sighed and rubbed my shoulder, lifted my upwards and rested me on him. I stumbled alongside him, desperately gripping his hand.

"Let's get you out of here huh." Tears fell down my cheeks again, mixing with the dried salt around my eyes. My nails dug into my palms, denting the skin. My legs shook and breaths were shallow and tired.

"Bruce..." He barely glanced at me, his eyes focused ahead, intent to get back to his dorm. "Bruce!" I slid from his grip, my head spinning again. Pushing Bruce away I slammed into the wall, my head pounding. I winced as the pain slowly increased. Bruce rested his hand on my shoulder hesitantly.

"What should I do?" I turned around to face him and gripped his shoulders, tears flooding my eyes.

"You know what. I'm getting help." I tried to pull him back and stop him from finding someone else, but I had no strength left and he easily shrugged me off. My legs gave way and I collapsed to the floor, my back pressed firmly against the wall. My stomach lurched again, and I put my hand in front of my mouth. The nausea made my head ache even more.

"He's over here!" The distant voice pulled me away from my thoughts. Bruce's face appeared in my line of sight, he smiled softly and ruffled my hair. "Tony this is Thor, he's my roommate, we're going to take you back to our rooms." I nodded and strong arms wrapped around me lifting me up.

The process back to the room faded into darkness.

My eyes felt heavy as I opened them in the morning. Bruce wasn't in the room, but his roommate was sat on the other bed, on his phone. He grinned at me when I woke up. I smiled back.

I rolled over on the sofa of Bucky's room, he'd let me spend the night after my argument.

The blanket curled around me reminded me all too much of the film night and Tony. I had borrowed a pair of Bucky's sweatpants that were too short and a t-shirt that clung to my chest.

I needed to change. But the thought of entering the room with Tony made my stomach lurch. "Steve? I'm getting food. You want any?" I shrugged. Food didn't sound good. "What's up bean head?" A dazed smile coated my face. "I feel bad." He rolled his eyes.

"God don't be a pushover. You know it was a long time coming."

"Steve? You know that he deserved it. It was unfair of him."

I shook my head. "Buck? What would you um, say if I told you that er." He turned to look at me, his eyes boring into mine. "You know what nevermind, it doesn't matter. So food?" He nodded a confused lol lingering on his face.

"Jeez that's so gay." I bit my lip to stop any remarks. The footballers laughed, and as I turned to Bucky his face was like thunder. "Guys don't use it as an insult." The team captain was a strong voice and I hoped he would shut them up once and for all.

Jax slapped me on the back. "Nice work today Steve, keep it up. Oh and, I heard about yesterday. Maybe talk it through. It does wonders."

Confused I scrunched up my face which Bucky proceeded to laugh at. "Steve maybe leave Anthony for a few days. You know you both need time apart." I bit my lip. Yeah we did but I needed to know if he was okay. I needed to.

Jax walked over to someone at the stands and hugged him then kissed him on the cheek. The look on my face must have been evident to Bucky. "Yeah he has a boyfriend. He can shut anyone up now, they respect him too much to say anything." Perfect opportunity.

"Do you agree with it?"

"Agree with what?" He absentmindedly bit his nail and ran his fingers through his hair.

"You know. That." I nodded my head towards Jax at the stands.

"I er um." Bucky shut off as my phone rang out loudly.

Bruce: Thanks a lot Steve.

I sighed, the guilt dripped through me and of my fingers.

Steve: sorry.

Bruce: yeah too late for that now dumbass.

Bucky's glare made me stop responding. "Don't. Just don't. Ignore it."

"Are you and Tash going out tonight? Today's your draw night right?"


His phone rung and he smiled at me, turning around he answered in a voice filled with happiness.

The day had been uneventful. Bruce had taken my phone and refused to give it back, saying he knew me and knew what I would do. The end of the day drew closer, and as promised he handed it back to me, giving him a grateful smile I headed back to my dorm.

I was already dialling when I pushed the door open, and the click of the answer made my face light up.


"Tones how've ya been?"

I paused, unsure of how to answer. "Tony?"

"Well. Um Rhodes, it's... it's happening again." His voice was frantic on the other side but I stopped short, suddenly extremely aware of the water running in the bathroom and the door shut.


Why have I ended two chapters on swear words? I don't know it just happened like that. I'm actually doing okay with updates at the moment which is good, and it's partly due to your amazing support and encouragement thanks everyone who's reading this. We've made it too 100 votes. Well actually over. So that's fantastic.

I'm sorry about this chapter, I don't know what it is, but I really hate it. My writing is bad and I feel like it's odd, boring and repetitive. I'll try harder on the next one. Also the next one should be more interesting. Anyone hope you enjoyed, and maybe vote or comment? It would mean the world.

Thanks y'all and have a good day! Or night since it's currently 10:30 where I am. :)

Ali x

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