9. The Map of Moments

Start from the beginning

"It's further evidence as to why we should ignore it." Nik said and I somewhat agree with him but I'm not letting Kol ruin my daughter's first bonfire season. Whatever bad blood this is, it's gone for now.

"We're definitely doing it." I said as Nik opens his mouth to say something but I quickly point my finger to keep him from saying one thing. "It's Hope's first bonfire. We're doing it. No complaints. No nothing. I'm talking to you, Nik."

Nik smiles at me as Rebekah turns to her brothers and smiles smugly.


I went inside the house to find a pen and some paper so that we can write our wishes down. I walked in the dining room where Nik is sitting at the table with Hope in his arms. I put the small notebook and pencil on the table in front of him. "Here."

"I'm holding a small child, Ava." Nik says as he's busy doting on our daughter that he doesn't look at me and it made me smile. "This silly wish game will have to wait."

"You write, I'll hold." I smiled and he finally looks at me but he has a straight face.

"No." He says as he tries to hold his smile back but failing to do so.

"Give me my daughter." I said, motioning my hands for him to give me her and he gives me a look. "It's my turn to hold her."

"You know, I was thinking..."

Here goes him trying to change the conversation.

"... about what you told me about Ileana turning into a vampire to pass on her hybrid powers to the other wolves when she married Jackson. It would benefit us. Not only will she be sire to our daughter and look after her well-bring, but there would also be the addition of the pack to protect her."

"They are not her parents. We are. We look after her well-being and we protect. Whenever it comes to decide how to protect our daughter, it's between you and me. No one else." I said to my husband. "I told her I would talk to you because I thought you would say no but I guess I was wrong."

"Why would I said no?"

"I don't know. I thought you would." I said and he smiles but then it disappears as I moved the paper and pen closer to him. "You know that I had to endure horrendous labor and actual death birthing the child that you're holding?"

I walked over to him and grabs our daughter from his arms. "Come on, baby. Daddy has to write his wish for tonight's bonfire. You are the honor of this one and every year after." I said and Nik smiles at me. I looked at him and my voice changed into a demanding one. "Now, write your damn wish."

"Ava, our child can hear you." Nik scolded me and I know he's trying to get on my nerves.

"She won't remember anything." I said and I looked at my daughter as I got an idea. I turn her around for her to face her father and I hid my head behind her back. I turn my voice into a kids voice as if it were Hope speaking to him. "Daddy, will you please write your wish? It is my first ever bonfire. I know you will do this for me because you love me."

"Like you said, love, she won't remember anything." Nik said and I moved my head to glare at him.

"Write your wish. You're making me angry and this energy radiates off of me. I don't want to upset our daughter." I said and he's still smiling. "You know what? Never mind."

I grabbed the pen and paper just as Nik grabs my hand. "I'll write my wish."

He stands up and I'm not looking at him in the eyes because of how annoyed I am with him. He kisses me but I don't kiss him back so he stands there waiting for me to look at him. I roll my eyes as I looked at him before I kissed him and he smiles.

Our Hope • Ava Rose MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now