Not-so-terrified Mario (Chp 3 Pt 2)

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(A/N: It has been quite a while since I have updated this story (for me it has been). I have been busy for the past week or so and haven't had many ideas for this chapter. If you have any ideas for me for this story, pls share! My brain can't think of many ideas ;-;. Also, I am thinking of making an FTO x Pokemon story! If any of you enjoy pokemon as much as I do (I can name any pokemon (In an image or shadow) from gen 1 to gen 6 (Kanto to Kalos)), pls let me know if you want that story! I already have MANY plans so... yeah! That's enough from me so... HOPE YOU ENJOY THE CHAPTER!! P.s If anyone wants to know what the pokemon things will be like, I will upload a oneshot of it. Sorry that this is such a long A/N :s)

Outside the infirmary of Camp Oasis...

(Xylo's POV)

After putting 'Mario' on the bed, I left the infirmary. Once I got outside, I saw Kaykrae and Bryan yelling at each other so I ran in to stop them.

"Hey! Stop it you two!" I yelled as I walked into them and held each hand in front of them. They back away from each other, Bryan was glaring at me and Kay looked at me as to say 'thank you'. I smiled and nodded then turned to Bryan.

"What happened?" I asked Bryan.

He huffed and said, "I came to ask Mario why he cheated on Kay but she said that he didn't. I argued back saying he did and he even admitted it. Then she said that he's from 'another dimension'?!"

"Well, he is," I said calmly.

Bryan just looked at me, dumbfounded, "Excuse me?"

I sighed at the idiot. "This Mario is from another dimension. This means that he never was in a relationship with Kay." He looks at the infirmary with a weird look, then back at me and Kay.

"Wait, he really is?" He said, still puzzled.

"Yes, have you not noticed his clothes has changed, he is quite taller, and he doesn't have lightning powers? Instead, he has weird earth dragon powers." I explained to him, irritated. He finally made the 'oh' face, showing that he finally realised what I was saying. "Do you finally understand?"

He nodded. I sighed in relief that I no longer have to explain. "Good."

"Hey, Kay, sorry for yelling at you. Also, I might want to apologize to Mario for attacking him, when he wakes up of course." Bryan says while rubbing the back of his neck.

"It's alright, Bryan. Plus yes, that would be a good idea. Now how about we come back later to check up on him?" Kay suggested. Bryan and I nodded our heads as we left to our cabins.

~~~Few Hours Later~~~

(Mario's POV)

I woke up in a room that looked kind of like the infirmary in our guild. Though, it looked more like a cabin than an infirmary.

"Where the hell am I?" I said out loud to literally no one.

"You are in the Camp Oasis infirmary, Mario. How are you feeling?" I turned my head to face the door and saw three people from before. One was the person with purple clothing, the lady with the snake tail and the Bryan look-alike. I felt my blood boil at the thought of Bryan attacking me again.

"Umm good? Who are you guys and what is he doing here?" I say with confusion and anger in my voice as I point to Bryan."

"Well, that's great! Sorry for attacking you earlier. It's just you look like someone we know who is also called Mario and she is his girlfriend." Bryan says while pointing to snake lady before adding on. "Also, as you know, my name is Bryan, son of Aphrodite."

Next to introduce themselves was the purple man. "My name is Xylo, son of Hades. Originally son of Apollo."

Lastly, Snake lady introduced herself. "I'm Kaykrae, the camp counsellor of Camp Oasis. I am not the daughter of a god or goddess as I am a naga."

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