Ch. 3 Sign Here For A Lifetime Supply of Love

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Summary of Chapter: "A bird whistled, and Danny mimicked the sound, making Sam look at him with what could only be described as dripping affection. It ran down their bodies, flowing over the knot of their hands and falling in small splashes along the path as they walked, leaving a trail of love like Hansel and Gretel. They came to the waterfall, and Danny turned his head to face Sam, love clear in his eyes. His lids fluttered shut and his lips puckered as he leaned in for a kiss, gathering Sam closer to him."

Length: about 3.2k

Warnings/Tags: cuddling, kissing, fluff, attempted humor, swimming, nature boys, dreams, romance, flirting, soulmates

Author's Notes: My lovely dear @satans-helper , I am SO grateful that you take the time out of your day to go over my writing to give me all of the wonderful feedback that you do. It really does improve it a lot, and, of course, your reactions and encouragement make me feel so warm inside.

@rogers-wristband you said they go swimming, I say yes! I hope you like this, thank you so much for the suggestion :)

Inspired in part by @satans-helper / thelazarus 's No One Else (ah-mazing), then of course it took another direction because I don't be about that copying. Also, they just belong in nature. Happy hippy boys are lover boys


"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming. *What do I do? I swim, I love to swiiiimmmm!*"

"DANNY. If you don't- fuck, pleugh!" Sam paused, choking on water. "If you don't fucking stop I will drown you!"

"But you have to keep swimming, Sammy! *You're* gonna drown if you don't. Unless you want me to carry you?" Danny asked. He was in a ridiculously good mood, and, being so energetic and happy to be in the water, had forgotten that Sam wasn't quite as strong as he was, nor did he possess as much stamina. His best friend was, frankly, exhausted.

"No! This was my idea, I don't need you to carry me!"

And Sam was a little testy, too. As much as he loved seeing Danny's muscles working in the water - or, better yet, feel them pick him up like he weighed nothing - the fact that Danny was just so fast and wouldn't slow down for Sam had him on edge. He'd been chasing tail for an hour, but it kept running away!

"Just, slow down a bit!"

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to tire you out so much, I was just having fun."

"It's alright," Sam sighed, now calmed down in the cradle of Danny's thick arms. "I'm glad you're enjoying myself, just let me have some fun too."

"Oh? What kind of fun do you want to have?" Danny questioned, slowly moving them closer to the shallows of the lake.

"I want to go hike up to the waterfall, but, later. Right now, I just want to float while you hold me."

"We can do that," Danny said softly. He anchored his feet in the sand bank, letting Sam rest his head on his shoulder in the neck deep water. Their arms were wound around each other, Sam's legs floating up to the left as Danny held onto him.

Nature immersed them in her soundtrack: birds twittering, leaves rustling, insects humming, and the breeze lapping gentle waves onto the shore. All was at peace, with the world and in their hearts.

Sam's eyelashes fluttered, his eyes closed to face the warm August sunshine. Danny watched him, observing the slight shadows playing over his face as a cloud passed overhead. Sam's lips parted, and Danny was nearly certain that he was going to start snoring - he hadn't moved in nearly 20 minutes - when Sam spoke.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2019 ⏰

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