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The stadium lights came on flashing on Shiro and Kuroh revealing a woman in a short blue skirt, with a matching shirt and jacket a sword at her hip. Seri Awashima didn't disappoint her, the lieutenant of the Blue Clan was secure in her position and gender. And didn't mind showing off both she was accompanied by Akiyama, Benzai, Dōmyōji, Enomoto, Kamo, and Fuse. She asked them to surrender going on and on about orders and acts. When Kuroh said simply,
" We don't surrender!"
"Permission to use our swords, Sir?........ Draw your swords men!"
The girl noticed that she was speaking with someone unseen. Mostly likely the Blue King.
She watched in silence as they drew their swords.
"Akiyama ready! Benzai ready! Dōmyōji ready! Kamo ready! Enomoto ready! Fuse ready! Goto ready! Hidaka ready! Awashima ready!"
The girl knew Neko was nearby and would throw out an illusion allowing Kuroh to fight off these Clan members. Tokyo square in mid afternoon people everywhere. Watching Kuroh fight protecting Shiro and Neko. When he stood toe to toe with Awashima. She watched the two equal fighters throw attack after attack. The other members moving to guard the exit no one noticed her standing in the little booth above the action. Waiting for the moment the King came on the scene. When she heard a voice, of someone who held power. She thought 'So that's the King he doesn't look all that! Wonder how well he can fight without his powers!' She watched as Kuroh fought as hard as he could. The Blue King was just to much for him. She shattered the window of the booth. Jumping down almost three stories to the ground below just a few feet away from the Blue King!
"So you show yourself now! Are you trying to cause chaos between these Clans?"
She didn't speak only stood her ground in front of Kuroh keeping her eyes on the King in front of her. She motioned for Kuroh to go. The Blue King charged her then. She defended herself keeping the King at bay. Landing blows on his body the same as him. He seemed surprised by how well she fought. She saw Shiro, Neko and Kuroh escaping. She was able to take a few steps back as the King caught his breath. She jumped into the air using the a small but powerful grappling hook to climb up and out of the stadium. Just as she thought she was escaping, the Blue King tackled her. Bringing her back to the ground holding on to her. He went to pull her mask off, she struggled to get free of his hold! Succeeding when she punched him in the face knocking off his glasses, but not before he saw her face. She ran away leaving behind a perplexed King. She made it to the alley with time to spare.
"So your here! Thanks for the help back there."
She nodded her head, but didn't speak. She stood there as Shiro saw who it was.
"You! Your the person in the video your a girl?"
The video was low quality and didn't show her well even though they said girl people weren't sure if she was or wasn't as her clothes hid her gender quite well. It showed when the Blue King saw her face. He didn't expect a young girl. While they waited for Neko to rewind his memory Kuroh asked if she would stay with them. She shook her head no.
"Why? You'll be safer with us then alone."
She gave a sad smile and said softly,
"The Blue King saw my face he'll be looking for me I'm going to stay hidden. No worries I'll always be nearby to help you out if you have the need."
"You've never told me your name?"
"I'm Ash. I'll be going now stay safe."
He looked at where the girl had been and she was gone already. Shiro had pieces of his memory back and they said he had been in the airship of the first King the Silver King Adolf K. Weismann this has something to do with him. They made a plan to use the Blue Clan as a way to access the ship.


Ash's Pov;

I stood silent watching on the rooftop in the shadows. Hidden from view. Waiting for what was going to happen next. When a noise comes from behind me and then my vision goes dark.


I awoke to a all white room. I was laying on a large bed. I immediately knew where I was. Scepter 4 headquarters! I noticed that my hoodie and mask were gone as well.
"Good your awake. I have questions for you."
I glared at the Blue King as I sat in the middle of the bed.
"Who are you?"
I just shook my head no still glaring at him.
"Why are you helping those three?"
Again I shook my head no. Only to find myself pinned flat on my back with this man hovering over me.
"Answer me or you will not like the consequences!"
I stubbornly held my ground and shook my head again telling him no. Suddenly we shifted positions. I found myself face down across his lap. I felt his hand strike my ass in a hard slap followed in quick succession by five more blows. I cried out then telling him,
"Stop! I'll tell you!"
He held me there, but stopped spanking me.
"Who are you?"
"I only have one name Ash."
"Okay why are you helping those three?"
"Because the boy is important."
"Okay then who is the boy?"
"I can't say anything about that!"
I felt his hand connect to my ass again. I had actually tears coming down my face as he continued to spank me waiting for my answer.
"It could cause something bad to happen! Please stop I can't tell you!"
I still felt a sting but no more new slaps. He sat me on a chair. The pain from my backside like nothing I'd ever felt before.
"Why wouldn't you answer my questions?"
I gave him a look, but didn't answer him.
"We can go back to a few minutes ago! We'll continue this way until I get the answers I want and need!"
He made to grab me again and this time I ran. It was then that my shirt shifted to fall off my left shoulder. Revealing the markings that match the markings of the Slate. Any King would know these markings. I tried to make it to the windows knowing it's my only chance to escape. Before I even took two steps in that direction I was pulled into the arms of the Blue King. I felt long fingers trace my marks.
"How do you have these markings?"
I just adverted my face from his.
His long fingers grabbed my chin and made me look at him.
"Answer me!"
"I was born with them!"
"You'll remain here until I can figure out what to do with you!"
I watched him walk over to the window and do something to it. I figured he was locking it so I couldn't open it. I wasn't above breaking it though!


Ash's Pov;

I've been trying to open or break the window for over two hours. I'm beyond frustrated! So I sit in the middle of the bed looking at my pealing nail polish. When the door opens. He has my phone in his hands.
"What is this and how do we open it?"
I begin to shake my head when I see him step closer! Thinking about my aching backside I quickly speak up.
"It's my phone. If you give it to me I can open it. But I have a question?"
"Yes what is it?"
"Why did you spank me?"
"Unruly children will become well behaved and respectful when given proper discipline. You have an issue listening to those older than you."
"But your not older than me..."
I mumbled under my breath I want to yell that I was born when the world was resetting itself. People would have to start over again. Some things wouldn't change but others did. He handed me my phone and watched in awe as my fingerprint opened the screen.
"Where are the buttons?"
"They're digital."
He made to leave and I spoke out,
"It will relock every two minutes. It has a biometric locking system."
"How do you have something like this when no one else does?"
I saw him pull out a PDA phone I'd seen one in a tech museum once. When a loud explosion rocked the room. I looked over and saw a smirk come upon his face. I thought it was the Red King, but no it was the Crow, Yata! The Blue King left the room leaving my phone. In minutes the window for my room melted into nothing. There stood the Red King his hand out stretched to me.
"Do you plan on spanking me too?"
"Munakata spanked you?! Figures that up tight ass would! No! We're saving you because you saved Tatara! So you coming?"
I nodded my head just as I heard the keys in the lock. I surprised the Red King by jumping into his arms. We were half way away when I looked back to see the Blue King watching as they escaped with me.


Ash's Pov;

When I entered Homra I was embraced in a tight hug! Tatara Totsuka held me in his arms.
"Let her breath Tatara!"
The man behind the bar said to the guy I saved.
"So what's your name?"
"I'm Ash!"
"Hey Ash good to meet you finally! I'm Tatara, that's Kusanagi, this is Anna, Yata, Kamamato, Chitose, Dewa, Fujishima, Bandō, Akagi..."
Pointing to each member as he said their names. Before he could tell me the last ones the blonde boy spoke.
"I'm Eric!"
"Yeah that's Eric and our King Mikoto Suoh!"
"Yeah I figured that out! Since he's the one that rescued me. Thanks for that by the way."
I noticed the television talking about how a reclusive billionaires airship had crashed. I smiled knowing that Shiro and Kuroh were involved.
"So you know, the Colorless King can move from body to body, and has done so many times already."
"I see the markings so I'm guessing you have something to do with the Slate. I've done research on it, but it's never mentioned anything about a girl."
"Kusanagi is it. I'm not from now but I am. I know what's going to happen! And I need to change it for the sake of the future. Before you ask I can't tell you anything about my future because it doesn't exist anymore I've changed things just by saving Tatara. Hopefully I can keep it up."
The King spoke for the first time.
"Then we'll help you."
"Whatever you do I don't want you to kill this King don't let Munakata do it either!"
I watched as he nodded. Thinking on how the Blue King found me. Damn I had forgotten about Fushimi! I grabbed my phone and began back hacking his systems erasing my image from every server. I also set an algorithm to back erase my image as I moved within the city. I contacted the school. Letting them know I would be out of town for a few weeks. I also had a moving company clear and clean out my apartment. Knowing I can't go back, as the Blues knew everything about me now! I had the small hiding apartment hidden in the heart of Homra just a couple of blocks from here.
"I'm going to head to my other place I have nearby."
Mikoto gets my attention.
"Take this!"
I caught what he threw at me. It was a pin, carved into the symbol of Homra.
"Honorary Homra member. It's a thanks for saving my life Ash!"
"I don't know what to say! Besides I'd do it again no matter what! Thanks for this though."
As I went to walk out I felt a jacket that was still quite warm drop on me.
"It's cold! Wear this."
Mikoto had given me his jacket I could only nod. And I left with out another word.

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