Chapter 2

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Walking through the door that lead you into your next class, you had reached your seat before the bell had rung. You set your textbook and notebook down, plopping into your seat before letting out a long exhale while you began to slouch into your seat.

'What a great way to start class...' You thought to yourself before a voice right beside your seat had called out your name, catching your attention.

"Hey, (Y/n). You good? You look like something had spooked you on your way to class." Steven asked, his body twisted slightly to look at you as an eyebrow was raised.

"Yeah yeah... I just... Ran into an old friend. It's nothing bad don't worry about it. I just..." You trail off, becoming quieter as you sigh once more.

"Are you sure Hon? It looks like you and your 'old friend's' run in didn't go well." A voice pipe up from the row behind you and Steven.

Turning around you see a familiar face with rainbow color dreads. Bismuth was leaning over her desk looking down at you as her eyebrows were furrowed together.

Bismuth was someone who seemed to stand out to you a lot. Maybe it was because of her beautiful rainbow dreads that had her real hair color fading from the roots and down to her ends into the colorful dye that was in put into her hair. She kept it out of her face with a purple bandanna. Sometimes she'd put it up in a ponytail just so that they'd stay in place whenever she was working on her project in her Wood Shop Class.

She also seemed to have a really soft heart for her friends. You remembered the time she reacted when she had seen her friends once again after coming to the same college as you and the Crystal Gems.

"It didn't... But, no one got hurt at least." You smile sheepishly, laughing nervously before the smile on your lips turned into a frown. "We just had a little argument, that's all..."

"Y'know (Y/n), you're going to have to talk to her again someday right? I mean, you do live on the same dorm floor as 'she' does. It's not good for the both of you to be acting like this with one another." Bismuth crossed her arms, her words getting to you making you look to the side with guilt welling up in your chest.

As much as you didn't want to admit it, she was right. You had to talk to her one day, whether you liked it or not. It wasn't fair to how you were treating Spinel after all that's happened to her. And you acting the way you were with her wasn't helping with getting over her past trauma.

Yet every time you try to even talk to her, you'd freeze up or your words get stuck in your throat. But what made you stop trying to talk to her was the aching feeling in your chest whenever you'd see Spinel and Peep together. Even if you tried so hard to not assume what was going on between them, the ache in your chest along with an overwhelming emotion would stop you from.

You close your eyes for a second before looking at both Steven and Bismuth with a half smile and said that same lie you always tell them.

"Guys, I'm fine, really!" You knew they weren't convinced. Their eyes giving you that look that you've always seen them give you. The look of pity as you lie through your teeth over and over again. But the lie was enough for them to stop pushing for more.


As class had flew by leading you into the next break time, lunch, you had sat down at a table with your friends that consisted of Garnet, Pearl, Peridot and Lapis.

Peridot was currently sitting by Lapis as she scrolled through her phone, looking for anything new in her feed. Her lime green eyes flickering back and forth from whatever she was looking at on the screen.

Can We Just Talk? (College!AU Human!Spinel X Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now