Chapter 11 Tattooed arms

Começar do início

"Hey I'm going to stay with Alexus tonight" I lied but he believed me with no problem. I was getting too good at this.

"Have fun" He told me and trust me I was going too. I walked over to my car tossing in my bags getting in the drivers seat texting Kyle that I was on my way. Once I finally got there I parked in a closest parking spot grabbing my bags. I walked inside finding the elevators easily. I took it up to the 8th floor and found room 54 surprisingly easily. I knocked the door eagerly, after a moment or two I heard shuffling behind the door and it opened to reveal the man I've missed more than I thought was possible. He looked so amazing he wore black ripped skinny jeans, a white t-shirt, a purple bombers jacket with the sleeves pushed up, there was red writing on it but I didn't care enough about the writing to read it. He had it paired with a pair of red and white Kobes and he wore a pair of glasses that looked so sexy on him.

"KYLE" I yelled way louder than I meant to. I dropped my bags jumping up wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. He chuckled grabbing my thighs tossing me up his body more.

"I've miss you" I whispered hiding my face in his neck.

"Don't even get me started on how much I've missed you now gimme a kiss. I've went over a month without your kisses" He complained, I laughed pulling away kissing him there was so much raw emotion and longing. The explosions that I craved to feel was outside of this world making it probably one of the best kisses we've shared.


I backed into the room without breaking the kiss that I've longed for. Her plump full lips moved in sync with mine. Those crazy weird electrifying emotions flooded my body as the kiss we were sharing was giving away how much we truly missed each other. All I felt was the raw longing, passion, need for one another. I pulled away smiling kissing her swollen lips once more. Her honey brown eyes caught my dark ones and she smiled wider looking at me.

"I'm happy you're here" She told me making me chuckle.

"I hope so. I only came here for you" I told her setting her down grabbing her duffel bag and backpack from the hallway shutting the door.

"You're actually staying the night? I kinda figured I'd have to pull teeth to get that" I said looking at her duffel bag.

"Of course I'm staying. It's been over a month since I've seen you. I need Kuz time" She told me smiling going more into the room making me chuckle.

"Come on back to the bedroom" I said waving her to follow me and she did. I put her duffel bag in the closet and tossed her backpack on a chair. I turned to see she was sitting on the bed staring at me.

"Come here" She whined, I smiled seeing she was about to be clingy but I needed that. I needed to know she wanted me as much as I wanted her, this whole side dude thing was starting to work on my jealousy a little bit. I walked over to the bed laying down putting my arms under my head. She moved getting on top of me straddling me. I was taken back by the move but I was more than welcoming to it.

"You came here lookin bad as fuck. You tryin to make me get you pregnant huh?" I asked her teasingly raising an eyebrow. She laughed shaking her head leaning down kissing me easily.

"In a few years from now" She sent me a playful wink making me laugh.

"God, you're so beautiful" I told her, she blushed looking everywhere but my eyes.

"You're like a god so I don't even know how to compliment you" She told me her golden-brown eyes finding mine as she played with my shirt making me laugh. I ran my hands up her thighs feeling her curves.

"I love the glasses look. It's sexy Kuzma" She told me smirking, I smiled leaning up kissing her easily.

"I can show you some real sexy shit" I whispered against her lips. We've been apart forever, I wanted her to be as close to me as possible. I didn't mean just physically but mentally too.

Caged |1|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora