What just hapend!!

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((Warning they there may be gore cursing in in mature parts you were warned))

(Deku POV)

We were all just sitting in the lounge of the dormitory then out of nowhere there was a blueish black portal open under it and sucking all of us in.

The next thing I saw we were in a giant theatre there were two girls.......fighting? About who knows The ringing in my ears stop me from hearing properly. I was the first one to wake up around a minute or two The rest of what I woke up with very confused faces next thing I knew I heard shouting I looked where it was coming from and I saw Kacchan shouting out one of the girls but who knows what I got up from where I was laying down and started walking closer to them I heard what kacchan was saying "what the F##k is going on here. Who are you. Where are we!?" He was shouting very loud " please be quiet you are a pretty loud and this is atheatre" The girl spoke with manners that a business person should have but she was wearing
(i'm going to put pictures of what they're wearing)

 Where are we!?" He was shouting very loud " please be quiet  you are a pretty loud and this is atheatre" The girl spoke with manners that a business person should have but she was wearing(i'm going to put pictures of what they're wearing)

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(this is the hair I really want but back to the story)

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(this is the hair I really want but back to the story)

To be honest I like the hair her eyes are mint green I wonder what her quirk is? I'll ask after Kacchan stops yelling at her.

It's been a few minutes and they're still arguing . Is she just like Kacchan but then another girl came over she was wearing.
(here we go again with more outfits)

(here we go again with more outfits)

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(just say my girlfriend likes NASA)I was questioning what NASA means I never heard of it before she walked over to the pastel girl and started to speak"Charlotte you have to stop fightingeveryone that screams in your theatre" The girl spoke in a s...

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(just say my girlfriend likes NASA)
I was questioning what NASA means I never heard of it before she walked over to the pastel girl and started to speak"Charlotte you have to stop fightingeveryone that screams in your theatre" The girl spoke in a soft tone"b-bu-" Charlotte I think tried speaking but was cut off" no but Charlotte let's just get on with this please it's getting Boring" I was wondering what she meant" find if you say so Megan" so that's her name all of a sudden the Charlotte girl snap her fingers and we were all in seats we all locked around." No I shall announce why you are all are here. But to make it more clear we're going to be watching multi-verses of your precious little cinnamon roll" everyone gasped and we all looked around. Then the giant theatre screen turned on with static.......

(how do you like the first chapter I hope you guys read this or it's a waste of my time byeeeeee✌️)

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