Animal Hybrids: The Ones of the Woods 1

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Hello, this is my first story so please be kind when commenting. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy it.


Humans are no good for the environment. They release fumes into the world and oil into the seas, killing the animals and themselves. They leave their belongings anywhere they want, not caring what would happen to them. They don't care about nature, or the Earth.

Animal Hybrids are nothing like that, though. They care for and live with nature, unlike the irresponsible humans. I'm an Animal Hybrid, so I should know. We are one of the reasons that the Earth is still alive.

Animal Hybrids look almost exactly like humans, but they are so different. They have the ability to turn into animals. My animal is the wolf, and I live with a group of other wolf Animal Hybrids in a large wood near a town full of humans. We try our best to stay away from the humans, but sometimes there are hunters, and we need to stop them.

I have to admit, humans did invent a few important things. The cars aren't any good, but bikes are probably one of their best inventions. The television is also very clever, but it stops them from exercising.

Anyways, the Alpha Male of our group - well, you could call it a pack - is called Trevor, and the Alpha Female, Trevor's mate, is Marigold. They have three children; Lily, Daniel and Adam. Adam will take over when they retire, as he is the oldest, then, if he doesn't find a mate before he retires, Lily, then Daniel. I'm around Lily's age, sixteen, and she's my best friend.


I sat in a tall tree, gripping a branch with one hand to stay balanced. I gazed down at Lily below, grinning. She looked up at me, grinning back, and quickly grabbed the lowest branch. She pulled herself up and started to climb up the side of the tree. She finally reached my branch and perched next to me, swinging her legs.

"So," she said, looking over at me. "What do you want to do?"

I shrugged. "I don't mind."

She suddenly sat up and looked at me. "We could race."

I rolled my eyes. "You only want to race because you know that you'll beat me."

"Well... maybe." Lily sighed. "How come you always ruin my fun, May?"

 "Because your plans always include beating somebody at some sort of game."


"Never mind."

There was a short silence, but then it was broken by the sound of Lily's stomach growling.

I looked over at her. "Hungry?"


"Should we go to the clearing? Somebody just caught a doe."


We leaped down from the branch and stood in its shadow.

Lily turned around and winked at me, grinning. "Race you!"

"No, Lily, wait -"

But she was already gone, running as fast as she could towards the clearing. I heard the sound of tearing clothes as she changed into a sandy wolf. I sighed and pulled off my clothes as quickly as I could, bundling them up and putting them into my mouth before changing into a midnight black wolf, darting towards Lily. I couldn't call for her because of the bundle in my mouth, so I dug my claws into the soft earth, ripping up the moss below. I flew through the woods, branches whipping against my fur as I passed. As I reached the bushes around the clearing, I stopped and changed back, putting my clothes on hurriedly and entering the clearing. I saw Lily sitting on the soft grass eating a piece of meat. When she saw me she grinned, tucking her brown hair behind her ear.

"Too slow."

I sat down next to her and took a chunk of meat for myself.


I looked up as I heard the familiar voice to see Trevor walking towards me, Marigold holding his hand. They were both in their forties, with curly brown-red hair that had some small grey streaks. Trevor had a serious expression on his face.

"May, we need to talk about something."


I hope you like this story. Please show me what you think by voting, commenting and becoming a fan if you like. I'm sorry if this was a bit short, I'll update as soon as I can. Thank you.

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