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"Shit" whispers Christy, wheezing seemingly out of breath as she leans on what appears to be a tree in the darkness of the forest. Her clothing is tattered, her once beautiful curly hair is a mess and blood stains her shirt. All of which points to a sign of her previous struggle. She had been alluding her ex boyfriend Jacob for what seemed like hours as he was trying his best to retake her as his prisoner. The thought of freedom played over and over within her head, she wanted it so bad she could taste it.

"Come on girl just a little further and you're home free" she assures herself while trying to gather what little endurance she had left in her tank. The sound of leaves crumbling alarms Christy, panicky as fear begins to take over her once more she take off running like a thief in the night.
Invigorated with new found strength Christy zooms through the darkened forest, she stumbles but catches her balance quickly limping slightly as she continues to run in fear. The crumbling of the leaves intensifies gaining rapidly approaching Christy with great speed. Overcome with fear and not able to run much longer Christy decides to hide.

Thinking quickly she immediately dives head first into a gathering of bushes.
Her heart began to pound rapidly beating like a drum; time appears to stand still as she waits for Jacob to emerge.
Christy lets out a huge sigh of relief as a baby deer zooms pass with great speed, the crushing sound of leaves continues as the deer rushes by.
"Thank god" states Christy a brief moment of calmness and peace flows over her as she rise to her feet.

Her brief moment of peace is shattered as Jacob calmly emerges from the depths of the shadows shirtless, his brown skin glistens with sweat, he grabs Christy by her hair rocking her head backwards.
"Found you" says Jacob whispering into her ear. "Let me go" screams Christy! She flings around with all her might trying to break free but his grasp on her is iron clad, there is no escape.
Desperate, Christy slaps Jacob in hopes of breaking free but she only manages to anger him even more. He maintains control of Christy with one hand and he grants Christy with the same gesture by slapping her but twice as hard causing her knees to buckle.
Jacob then flings her to the ground "I told you there was no escaping me, I refuse to let you go" states Jacob as he towers over the crawling Christy. "I'm sorry Jacob, it was an accident please just let me go" begs Christy as she tries to crawl away.

Jacob forcefully stomps down onto Christy's left ankle pinning her in place. She screams in agony "we had a life together, we was happy but you let him ruin it, that piece of shit of a man should've never had access to you" screams Jacob as he applies more pressure onto Christy's ankle. Christy screams even louder, "It was a mistake, I swear it'll never happen again" cries out Christy.

"Liar" roars Jacob! "A mistake is something that happens once, this affair of yours happened over and over. You was going to leave me for him and I refuse to let that happen, he can't have you" states Jacob. He removes his foot from her ankle allowing her a momentary sign of relief. Crying Christy slowing tries to crawl away with Jacob stalking her like a lion before pouncing on his prey.

" I loved you, hell I still love you but that man scent is all over you, why Christy, why did you do this, do you see what you made me do" states Jacob calmly. "I said I was sorry what more do you want me to say" Asked Christy? She tries to stand to her feet but Jacob kicks her back down "you're not sorry, you never have been, you enjoyed every moment you spent with Tyler you didn't give a damn about me or how it made me feel. You never loved me, you never have but it's okay you'll learn to love me one day"!

Christy began to kick violently as Jacob grabs her by the ankle dragging her on the through the dampened forest. Having heard enough of her constant screaming Jacob pounces on top of Christy like a wild cheetah grabbing a hand full of her hair. Enraged he forcefully throws her head back clashing it against the ground over and over until finally she's knocked out cold.

"Sorry love, but it was for your own good" says Jacob as he plants a kiss softly on her forehead. He scoops Christy within his arms as he slowly stands to his feet. He looks at her, his eyes appears to be filled with both passion and rage. " I know what I have to do, I'll take care of everything once Tyler is out the picture you'll learn to love me again" whispers Jacob before he kisses Christy yet again. Jacob walks away carrying Christy with him into the darkness of the night.

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