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Kai & Soobin
Yeonjun, Beomgyu & Taehyun

We're resting now in our designated rooms for our flight tomorrow to have our first ever showcase in the Philippines. I'm still waiting for Soobin hyung at the bathroom and automatically he's doing his before bedtime routine. Afterwards he sat beside me and then I thought we're now goin' to sleep but he's applying a lotion. I just rolled my eyes on what he's doing beside me. Geez this guy.

"Kai?" he called

"What?" I replied shortly

"I thought you were asleep?" he asked curiously

"Ahhh...I-I-I was waiting for you" I looked away and stuttered

"You should not wait for me. Go to sleep will yah?" he puts his lotion bottle at the nightstand and laid down.

"No" I answered coldly and still not looking at him

"You naughty kid" he chuckled

I feel he is staring at me even I'm still not looking at him and he leaned closer and he pinned me on the headboard of the bed. I was shocked by his actions

"S-soobin hyung w-what are you doing?" I asked nervously

"It's not what you thinking about" he chuckled again and he distanced himself and went back to his own bed while me, I didn't even move a single muscle and still processing my mind on what just happened a few minutes ago.

Soobin told me to sleep now 'cause  we need to be ready for our flight tomorrow and be there at seven in the morning. When he turned off the lights, I can't even blink the whole night because of the unexpected scene earlier.


While driving to the airport, Taehyun and Beomgyu keeps on babbling and talking about their favorite things to do in the Philippines. If ever they had a chance.

Taehyun hyung wants to meet the most famous boxer and there's no other than it's Manny Pacquiao cause he likes boxing a lot since he was young.

Beomgyu wants to visit again the most beautiful place in the Philippines which is Cebu. And yes, he already visited Cebu in his past life and that's where he started to learn guitar.

We're already inside the plane and he's at my side. It's fate I guess?

"Soobinie? " I called while he was putting lotion again and geez why is he doing that inside of a plane!? . And as usual, I rolled my eyes again.

"Hmm... Why?" He said

"Are you excited to go in the Philippines?" I asked

"Yes! I'm so excited. Why did you asked?" he said with excitement and his dimples were showing and I just cooed of the sight.

"Uhm... J-just nothing... I really wanna know if you want to do something there in the Philippines?" I asked

"Beomgyu told me the view of the sceneries were really beautiful and maybe? watching the view I guess" he smiled with his dimples showing again. I looked away and blushed, that kind of view from his face will be enough for me to watch rather than the sceneries he just mentioned.

"oh-ohh okay. B-by the way let's rest again. Rest well" I said quickly and turned my side at the plane's window

"Rest well too Kai and sweet dreams" Soobin replied and chuckled himself

I didn't answered back 'cause I was wearing my airpods but I heard him well whatever. It' s going to be a long day for us. I closed my eyes and tuning with 20 cm.

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