{Ricky Bowen} ~Part of your World~

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Having a crush on Ricky Bowen wasn't the best thing that could happen. Considering that you're best friends and he has a girlfriend. Or so you thought...

It was a casual Saturday night for you. You were home alone while your parents were out for a date night. Seeing as you are a junior in high school, they trusted you to be a civil teen and take care of yourself for the night. That's why you were currently laying on the couch, singing along to "Part Of Your World" as "The Little Mermaid" played on your tv.

It got to the part where Ariel spins and it zooms in to her face when you heard a knock. You pressed pause to your "party" (quote on quote) and check the time. 9:14pm. It couldn't be your parents. They wouldn't be back for about 2 more hours. You grabbed a blanket from the couch and covered yourself. You made your way to the door and check through the peephole to see who it was. It couldn't be other than Ricky himself. You opened the door and smiled.

"Ricky." You said. "What are you doing here? Not that I don't want you here, it's just you were supposed to be at Nini's right?" You rambled.

"Yeah, about that." He sighed. "Can I come in?"

You stepped to the side and nodded. "Of course."

He passed by you and went to your living room. He looked around and saw the tv on pause. He also saw all the junk food you had laying around.

He snickered to himself. "Are you home alone watching "The Little Mermaid?... Again?" He chuckled.

You scoffed and walked to the couch. "It's my parent's weekly date night. They do this every Saturday. Anyways..." You sat down next to him. "What happened? Why aren't you at Nini's?"

His smile faded. He looked down at his feet and put his head in his hands. He released a long sigh before answering. "Nini told me 'I love you'."

Your heart stung. "Oh." You released. "Isn't that a good thing?"

He looked up at you. "Yes...no...I don't know!" He threw his hands up in exasperation. He leaned back onto your couch.

You leaned back so you were right next to him. You both stared at the ceiling, just sitting there.

"So..." You started. "What did you tell her?"

He sighed again. "I told her we need to go on a break."

"What." You sat up. "Why?"

He sat back up and turned to you. "I don't know. It's just...It felt right at the moment. Did   I make a mistake?"

As much as you would love to lie and tell Ricky he made the perfect choice and should just break up with her and be with you, you actually are a good person and had a good conscience.

"I-I think t-that things happen for a reason. And if for some reason you weren't meant to do this then you would've known by now."

He huffed. "Ok."

You arched your eyebrow. "Ok?"

He smiled. "Ok. I'll trust you and take your word on this."

You smiled. "Ok."

He smiled more and hugged you. "Thanks for being here for me."

You leaned into the hug and took in his embrace. "No problem. I love being a part of your world." You felt such content in his arms.

"You're the most amazing friend anyone could have asked for." He said.

You felt your heart pang. "Y-yeah. What are friends for? Right?" You pulled apart from him and kept your hands on his shoulders.

He looked at you and chuckled. "So..." he turned to your tv. "The Little Mermaid." He smirked.

"Shut up." You smacked him with a pillow and giggled.

"Oh no you didn't." He tackled you down and started tickling you.

"No!!!" You started laughing.

It was moments like these that enjoyed being his friend. But often times you wished you were braver in the past and told him how you felt. Maybe you and him could've been.

Published on: 11/30/19
Word count: 693 words

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