Some Things Are Meant To Be Hidden

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With that he smiled and shut the door behind him.

A few moments later I hear a knocking on the door again. I go to open it up and see Uka standing there. "Oh hi Uka is Yuki with you"
"sorry Zari he went to go get something, and told us to wait outside." I give her a sad smile and nod my head, Uka takes notice and gives me a hug. "Hey it's okay your fluffy little puppy Knight, is still coming" I laugh at Uka, she's usually serious all the time. It's nice to see that rare joking side of her. I lose my footing while laughing and fall over "ah cheesecakes" Uka laughs at my sudden tone.
"I swear to god Zari, you are physically incapable of swearing"
"I can swear"
"oh really..." I hesitate for a second I think I know where this'll lead but I can't be certain.
"... Yes"
" well if that's the case, little miss I have a secret crush on Yukiharu. Prove it later today" I look at her terrified, the truth is she was right I cannot swear even if it was to save my life. But I have too much pride to lose this bet. "deal" Uka gives me a evil grin and walks away from my door "alright I believe you princess, we better get going. Someone's waiting for sweet head pats from his luxurious maiden."

I quickly grab my things, look up my room and run after Uka "by the way I do not have a crush on Yukiharu."
"Bullshit" I slightly jump at her sudden change of tone Uka looks at me with an apologetic face. "Oh, I'm sorry Zari its just you and Yuki would totally be the cutest couple in school" I look over at her surprised does she really think Yuki and I would be cute together. Ugh Zaria she's probably just joking around there's no way he'd want be involved with you.
Unless.... No don't think that way, just ask if shes joking.
"Really you think Yuki and I are cute"
"honey I don't need to think, I know" I snicker at her optimistic attitude.
"If you say so."

We're walking out the doors of the dormitory when we see Aizawa. Uka was the first to notice "Oh hi Mr Aizawa, shouldn't you be working." Aizawa looks over at us and smiles. I look down embarrassed of what I'm about to say. "Hi dad." I look up and Aizawa's smile just grew wider and wider. I smile at him and look over at Uka, and her face has got to be the funniest thing i have seen all day. Her mouth was dropped that low it hit the floor. Okay that's a lie but it was lower than i have seen any other mouth drop before. Connecting that to her extremely wide eyes, it was hilarious. I seriously try to hold back my laughter, but I can't Aizawa looks at me wondering why I'm laughing all of a sudden. I point at Uka who seems to now be completely zoned out of reality, Aizawa looks over and immediately starts to laugh too. I try to contain my laughter while I snap a photo of her face. It took a million photos later, but I eventually got what I wanted. Lucky for me Uka seems to be completely out of it.

Once Uka realizes she immediately pipes in. "what's so funny" I pull out my camera and allow Uka to go through my gallery. As she's scrolling through she was laughing too. We were too busy laughing that we didn't realize Yukiharu pull up in what I assume to be his car. He beebs his horn and scares the living daylights out of me. "Dangit Yuki, must must you be such a pedal stomper." Everyone laughs at my use of language.
"Zaria it's not good to use such language you'll get wrinkles" I look over at Aizawa and lightly punch him in the arm. "Oh No.. My arm is broken. Somebody call for help." he starts laughing again. I join in on his little moment.
"Please somebody my father is hurt. We must execute him immediately, or he'll turn into a zombie." Everyone starts laughing "Zaria that's not how Zombies work"
"what that totally is." I look at Aizawa with a serious face how does he not know how zombies work.
"Zaria are you even human" Uka laughs. I guess she was expecting it as a joke cause what i said next shocked everyone.

"No... I'm a demon vampire princess" everyone immediately stopped laughing. And I had that sudden rush of anxiety come back to me. And then it came back to me. The words I tried to dessert the moment I arrived at UA. You don't belong here, you never did. They were only using you. "I-I'm I have to go, I've said too much" I make my way to the doors but before I was able to go in, I was stopped. I turn around and see Yuki gripping into my hand tightly. "Yuki"
"please princess you've said enough" Yuki drops to one knee and pulls me closer to him. "My lovely princess, will you accept my hand in a married friendship" my face now looks like a tomato. There is no way this is happening, this has to be a joke. There's no way he'd still consider being my friend after I revealed the truth. Nobody would like someone who isn't human. He must be making fun of me. That's it they're all making fun of me. "I'm sorry Yuki you're a really sweet guy, but you really shouldn't be hanging out with someone like me. I'll only hurt you" I look down with tears falling down my face, I turn away knowing I shouldn't be around such wonderful people like them.

Yukiharu immediately turns me back around and hugs me deeply Uka and Aizawa do the same. "So what if you're not born under human blood, that's not going to stop me, Mr Aizawa or Uka from caring about you. You're Ohana now."
I look up at Yuki "what's Ohana?"
Yuki and the others stop hugging me and take a step back to give me space. "Oh that's right, Ohana means family." Uka steps in and places her hand on my shoulder.
"And family means nobody gets left behind" she steps back and Aizawa goes for a hug.
"Or forgotten" my eyes begin to tear up I couldn't form any words. Now I know that I belong here, these people standing in front of me are the reason I still follow my dreams. Yuki walks up to me. "shall we try this again." I nod my head, not able to trust my own words. Yuki drops to one knee again "Zari I'm not a prince but will you do the honors of being my bestest friend forever"
"Yes" everyone is clapping and cheering on as if his was a real proposal. God I hope that might happen some day. Zaria what are you thinking he's your best friend forever now, there's no way he'd think of anything more. Especially now that he knows the truth. Yuki stands up and links his arm in mine. We start waving as were walking to the car. He unexpectedly picks me up bridal style and I begin blushing like a maniac. I dig my head deeply into his chest and get a waft of his scent "mmm" he giggles and lightly pecks my head with his lips. Wait did he just kiss my head, No he wouldn't have. I must be over exaggerating again. But thank the heavens him and everyone else are still such wonderful friends, I don't know what I would do if I lost them. And that's why I can't tell them everything. They already know I'm apart of royalty from a different species. But I cannot allow them to know about my family. For now some things are meant to be hidden.

He puts me down and walks over to the driver's seat of the car. He starts it up, rolls down the passenger seat window and honks the horn "Now get in bitches, we're going shopping." Uka and I laugh and hop into the car. As Yuki is slowly driving off I wave over to Aizawa. He waves back and I sit back thinking about all the events that happened today. Y'know now that I think about it we never knew why Aizawa was outside in the first place. I should ask him when we get back, which reminds me. I shift in my seat so I'm a little closer to Yuki I gradually lift my left hand and begin ruffle his hair before I pat it. He begins to purr as if he was a cat, it's kinda cute. No not cute that's the most adorable thing I have ever heard. I sit back and notice that same hint of pink on his face from yesterday. All I could think to myself in that moment was, can this boy get even more stunning.

Then I remembered what Aizawa told me. "By the way, Yuki I need to be back before nine"
"No problem, but is Aizawa like your dad now or something."

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