Breakfast Tells Many Secrets

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Soon after my head hit the pillow I fell into a deep sleep.

I woke up from a rather pleasant sleep especially given the circumstances of yesterday's events. I sit up and move off my new bed to stretch. After I finished stretching I notice a bedside table with a clock and a note, it must've been placed when I was asleep cause I have no record of it being there before. I sit back on the bed begin to read the note.

"My dearest Zari
This is your first day of school, given the circumstances of it it's the middle of the first year there is much to learn. Like seriously there's a lot you'll need to catch up on, but do not fear your night in shining armour is here. Please do not worry I'm absolutely positive your quirk is incredible, I will teach you the extra things you don't know and help you with anything you find difficult to understand.
In the dresser you will find some paperwork for the school, it's nothing much usually the parents sign it but since yours are psychopathic maniacs you'll need to do it yourself. there are some spare clothes in there As well. They're nothing special as the class will be taking you shopping later today. Your school uniform is in the cupboard directly across from you we didn't know your size so please do not hesitate to get a better pair if it doesn't fit. like seriously grab a new pair it is extremely uncomfortable walking around in clothes that aren't your size, trust me I know.
Class begins at nine on the dot, but since you're new Mr Aizawa might not be so hard on you if you're a little late today but please be on time for the rest of the year.
That's about all for now, fell free to drop by if you have any further questions you know where I live.
-Your raggidly stunning best friend Yuki."

I laugh at his ending to the note "he's such a dork," I put the note down and look over at the clock six fourty-five fiddle sticks thats early. I snap out of my trance to my stomach screaming no demanding for food. "Oh right I didn't eat anything yesterday." My stomach grumbles again as if to reply on how mad it is at me, suddenly as if on que the door knocks.

I go to open the door and behind it is a very tall tired ass teacher staring down at me. I stepped back a little shocked at what he was doing here "Mr Aizawa?" I question him.
"I bet everyone in China could hear your stomach" he giggles and I try my best to give him a fed up look but gave in and started laughing. Eventually we stop laughing and Aizawa speaks up. "You want to go grab some breakfast school starts in a couple hours"
"A couple? But it's only six." He urges me to shift my attention towards my now bedside clock seven-ten my eyes widen in disbelief "how long we're we laughing for." Aizawa giggles over my shock and shrughs "so is that a no" he refers back to the breakfast question.
"but I don't have any money"
"No need, I'll pay." I hesitated of course, I didn't think it was right to let my teacher pay for my food.

I didn't realize I was zoning out. Aizawa gave me a little nudge and i snaped back into reality. "Oh sorry, I was zoning out again" I say to him in an apologetic voice. Aizawa snickers at my sudden frigid tone. "It's not funny"
"Yes it is" i give him my best pouty puppy dog face that I can master, unfortunatly he didn't buy it one bit "damn him and damn his stupid teacher powers."
"I heard that" I look up at him suprised
"Did you use telepathy" I open my mouth in shock he shakes his head. " unfortunatly no, you only said it out loud." I shreik and fall over "skiddle frazzle" I say while falling over. Aizawa tries to hold back his laughter and hands me a hand haha get it. Don't @ me I know I'm not funny.

He then proceeds to drag me out my dorm door, hands me some decent clothes and drags me back to my dorm "get dressed It's seven fifty-six, we're getting breakfast whether you like it or not." I try to quickly put on my clothes but it reforts to me falling over, I foolishly kept trying to get dressed while standing up and Stupidly I fell every time. "Jebus J Chris just get dressed on the floor" Aizawa yells through the door I give in and followed what he said. Eventually I got dressed and walked out the door. Aizawa walked off, knowing him he's expecting me to follow him. I stop thinking and see Aizawa at the other end of the hall, I run after him with my little legs because I'm a midget. I finally caught up to him, well only because he stopped for me and I began panting heavily. He looks over to me and proceeds to keep walking.

We make our way out of the dormatory and see Yukiharu all dressed up as if he's going somewhere fancy well at least he looks like it. Just between you and me he tried. We both look at him with a raised eyebrow and confused "what's with that sourpus face's, I thought we were grtting breakfast. If I knew we were going to a funeral I wouldn't have went through all the trouble to look better than I already am" Aizawa and I looked over at eachother and we both rolled our eyes in scync. Aizawa looks over at Yukiharu and gives him permission to come along. I took a moment to quickly glance in Yuki's direction and see that big, goofy, lovable smile plastered on his face. He catches me looking at him, I rapidly turn my attenyion elsewhere and I feel my face heat up. Am I blushing oh no, we're best friends. I can't have feelings for my best friend can I.

I shake my head and try to keep my focus on getting breakfast. Aizawa leads me and Yuki to his car and we drive off to get some breakfast. We never really decided on where we would go for breakfast we kinda just drove around singing to music and messing around for a lot of it. By eight-fifteen we finally decided on a place to eat well to say the boys did why you ask, well simply its because I'm a woman. Haha get it because women don't have rights. Okay, okay before you you get your panties in a bunch that was a joke it's because women never pick where to eat. Don't say you always know what to eat, we all do it. Oh sorry I lost track. Anyway, the boys came to the conclusion that we should eat at Mc-Donalds, yeah I know convient right. We parked the car and ordered our food, yukiharu offered to pay for our food but Aizawa insisted that he pay for it. Long story short they were fighting in the middle of Mc-Donalds, embarressing I know. I giggle at their dispute and the abrutually stop and look at me in a shocked mannor "why are you laughing." I stop and look at them. We look at each other for a while and everyone waiting in line probably thought we were on drugs. We were snapped out of our staring contest thing by the worker we look over at him "Um have you figured out who's going to pay yet." At that moment I had an idea "Yuki you can pay for me and you, Aizawa can pay for himself." They followed with my response and we finally sat down to eat"

While we ate, we sat in silence, but not a awkward silence it felt rather comfortable. It felt right being around the two people I could trust. Well at least I felt I could trust them, I really hope so. We were in the middle of eating breakfast when I got lost in my thoughts Aizawa and Yuki both noticed this and silently debated between themselves on which one should speak up. In the end Yukiharu was the one to speak. "Zaria are you okay?" I didn't realize I was deep in thoughts until Yukiharu poked my right side. I snapped immediately out of my thoughts and laughed "stop I'm ticklish." Aizawa and Yukiharu looked over at each other with a smug smile, I look over at them confused but choose to ignore it. Little did I know I had made a grave mistake.

We eventually finish breakfast and walk out of Mc-Donalds and headed over to Aizawa sensei's car. The drive back was nothing new, we messed around like usual and arrived at school by eight forty-five and rushed upstairs ignoring all the other students questions to get dressed ready for school. Suprisingly it only took us five minutes to get ready. Yuki, Aizawa and I were now sitting on my bed waiting for time to go by.

*A few moments later*

I was about to leave when Yukiharu tackled me back onto the bed. He and Aizawa both began tickling and excuse my language the shovel nuggets out of me. We were laughing for what felt like hours "but... What.. About ... School" I let out shaky breaths trying to get them to shift their focus.
"We have plenty of time" Yuki says while looking at the clock. "Cheesecake's we're late" we all stop dead in out tracks, I begin to laugh "what an interesting first day" Yuki begins to laugh too "haha its only going to get better" we stop laughing and I give him a genuine smile, he smiles back. We sit there looking at each others eyes for a few second until Aizawa interrupted

"Okay love birds, as much as I would love to ship you two together some more we really have to get to school." I blush and look away "daaad that isn't funny" I look up realizing what i said even more embarrassed. Aizawa gives me a slight smile and walks out the door beckoning for Yuki and I to follow. I glance at Yuki and see pink on his cheeks, is he blushing, no I must be overexaggerating there's no way he would like a villain like me, he must just be sun burnt. "Lets go."

During the walk to school I was think about Yuki, not noticing my surroundings however, I walked straight into a wall. "OW FADDLE WADDLE" Aizawa and Yuki laugh at my language and help me up. We make it into class very late, apologizing Yuki sits down and Aizawa calls me to the front of the class.

"Everyone give a warm welcome to our new student Zaria"

Book 1. Dreams Of The Dead.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat