They Know Who You Are!

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Nezu begins to drag me through the entrance and I can faintly hear the boy I was just with whisper "so her name is Zaria huh."

I regain my composure from Nezu's grip,  you know for a weird looking mouse dog bear thing he certainly has a strong grip. I silently giggle to myself about the comment I just made in my head and remember I'm on stage in front of the entire school I subtually look up and see everyone staring at me well not staring more like glaring as if I'm not welcome here i look away scared to look back to their gaze oh no do they know. Nezu breaks the silence and for once I'm glad he interupted this awkward and terrifying moment. I suddenly get a heavy feeling in my gut and I somehow know that this won't be the last time i get these glares. However, part of me wishes it's just my anxiety taking over, I choose to ignore this feeling.

I walk up to Nezu bracing myself for whatever is about to happen next but my head just keeps spinning, they know who you are. I tell myself it's impossible for them to know who I am, I take a deep breath and look over at the enterence the handsome boy is still standing by the door with a big smile and a thumbs up. I should really get his name. I shake my head I'll do it later right now I have an introduction ceremony to ace. "Good morning students and staff, as you know I am your principal" all the people chime in with,
"Good morning Principal Nezu" I look over at the hybrid looking scar faced mouse thing and see him smiling as if all these people were his subjects. Nezu begins to speak again. "As you all can see we have a new student" once again everyone glares at me in that same unsetteling way like before. I gulp down a breathy scream. I stutter against my words "h-h-hello" Nezu takes notice of my uncertainty and begins to speak up. "I want you all to make her feel welcome, do I make myself clear"
"Yes" i take a deep breath feeling a bit of weight lift off my sholders.

As I'm walking out i hear a voice call out "are you sure this is the right person, she doesn't look like a villain" I stop dead in my tracks and feel my entire body begin to shake. They know who you are is all I could say, I repeated it over and over again in my head.

I look up and I see that boy walking over to me "come with me" is all he says while walking off. He leads me out of the area and over to what looks like the dormitory he leads me to a room with a single bed against the wall. He sits me down and I feel much better now that he's around. We sit in silence as he gives me time to breathe. while we sit in silence it isn't awkward, it actually feels comfortable it was exactly what I needed. He gets up to go but I dont want him to leave. I grab his arm withoit thinking and cry out "no please don't go..." I let go of his arm and then speak again "stay here with me... Please" he doesn't say anything and gives me a slight nod before sitting back down. I let out a deep breath, "so does everybody know" he's a bit taken aback by my words but replies despite his hesitation "yeah..." That's all I needed I fall back on the bed and silently cry i roll over facing away from him hoping he doesn't notice but it failed he pulls me into a hug.

We hug for a bit while he lets me sob into his arms I don't like the thought of showing my weakness in front of someone I still don't know the name to let alone anyone. But somehow it feels right, I feel a sence of safty within his arms we eventually break away from each other and I suddenly feel a hint of lonleyness, I'm forced to ignore it as we hear a knock on the door we both look over at each other confused the knock comes again only louder that was when we knew one of us had to speak up I was scared. what if they were here to hurt me, the boy took notice of my fear and decided to talk "who is it"
"It's me" a stern and cold voice called out from the other end of the door. I breathe a sigh of relief as i recognized that voice "let him in"
"Are you sure"
"Okay..." "You can come in" the door opens rather fiercely as a tall man with long black hair walks in, shuts the door and sits on the other side of me on the bed. "Hello again Aizawa sensei" i say while looking over at him with a slight smile plastered on my face. The other boy looked a bit confused probably because he doesn't know that I already met Aizawa, he goes to open his mouth to speak but I stop him. "You goofball Aizawa was the one who offered for me to study at UA"
"Whaaaaaa" Aizawa and I both laugh at his reaction a few seconds of his sinister jokey face he joins in. This felt right the two people I can trust sitting next to me and laughing, maybe there is hope here after all.

I stop laughing and look over at Aizawa "so what brings you here" he looks at me with a concerned expression on his face "are you still okay studying at this school. I saw you at the introduction meeting, you looked petrified." I look down and he gives me a moment to think about my decision i take a quick glance at the white haired boy, he looked a bit upset as if i was going to change my mind.

The moment I saw his face I knew what I wanted to do. "I'll stay" I look over at the boy and see tears coming to his eyes he looks up and notices me staring he quickly wipes his eyes and puts that smile back on his face but this smile felt different it wasn't forced and it wasn't like any other it was soft and comforting. I look back over to Aizawa who also has that soft smile on his face,  I decided to break the silence "I'm not looking forward to what comes next but I know I must stay." They both look at me with a gentle glow in their eyes "I want to show the world that everyone can be a hero even children born into a villain society, I want to show the world that they shouldn't judge people because they were born different, I want to show people it's okay to believe in things, I want to be a hero. I may not be a pro but I want to be a hero to those born into a different area that they too can dream of becoming something great."

I realized I just gave a whole speech, I went to appoligize but they both pulled me into a hug. I tended up for a moment still not used to the feeling but melted into their embrace I look over at whitey MC feisty then back at Aizawa. "And I want to do it for him" Aizawa just smiles at me and gets up to go leave, he opens up the door and turns his gaze back towards us and smiles "I'll see you both in class tomorrow" with that he shut the door and left.

I look at the boy not knowing what to do, but I see him tearing up again "you're in my class"
"Yeah I guess I am" he jumps up with joy and brings me to my feet he brings me in for a big yet suprisingly quick hug. "I'll be heading off to my room now I'm just next door so please feel free to drop by anytime." He stops and thinks for a second "make yourself at home this is your room after all, there's not much but since you don't have a family anymore Aizawa suggested we all take you to go shopping for things tomorrow. I mean if you're okay with that" I smile and nod he turns to walk out the door but I suddenly remembered something "wait" he looks back at me with a slight hmm and I proceed to speak "I don't even know your name"
"Oh of couse how unpolite of me to not introduce myself to a fine madien such as yourself" I giggle at his comment and he speaks again "the names Yukiharu, Hamako Yukiharu. But you can just call me Yuki" I smile at him
"Yuki huh, I'll keep that in mind." He opens up the door and awaits for my goodbye I grab his hand "Zaria, Kamina Zaria. But you can just call me Zari."

We shake hands and say our goodbyes I watch him walk into his room before I shut my door and fall back first onto my bed. "They know who I am huh..." I take a moment to think about Yukiharu and about how nice he has been to me I smile to myself thinking I made a friend. "Maybe school won't be so bad after all." They were the last words I could whisper before my eyes shut. Soon after my head hit the pillow I fell into a deep sleep.

Book 1. Dreams Of The Dead.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang