Chapter 1

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High school was  tough. It was already tough without the high in the high school part. Well, with all of my advanced classes from Dual Enrollment to Advanced Placement and Honors Band and extracurriculars, school was going to be hard and time consuming.  Not to mention my afterschool chores I am more than required to do before all of that even happens.

School really is seven cruel hours of our lives. But today? Today, I had tests in everything which meant that my brain might implode on itself. The only good part of today though? No school until further notice. Which technically meant all of my tests were rescheduled which gave me some more leeway (particular because I had not yet studied for them as of right now).

Now, I don't know what the specifics are for this arrangement (it could be a freak storm that had just been spotted and was headed towards us, a gas leak, or something else. I prefered anything else, but it really doesn't matter specifically), but it got me time to catch up on homework and do my chores without scrambling (or losing countless hours of sleep because of it (thank you long band trip bus rides)).

Anyways, I was the last stop on my bus route (the school had called back all of the school buses back to take all of us so-called "delinquents" back). I was the first stop going to school, and I was the last coming from school. Which meant one of two things: a headstart on homework. And seeing as I had a trigonometry worksheet to do before more in the textbook, this seemed to be the perfect time to get it done.

And I did. And suddenly we were here. At my house on my family's farm. Actually it was my aunt and uncle's farm. Actually, legally it is owned by my grandparents. And I ran into my house (which was a good quarter mile from the stop), threw my backpack in the chair in the living room, and grabbed my keys to the barn. When I got home, it was always my job to check out the barn and the stables.

The stables was where our horses were (and it was adjoined to the barn) while the barn was where the sheep, goats, cows, pigs, and ducks were at. My younger brother handled the chicken coop after school. I unlocked the barn door to be met by one of our barn cats, a siamese named Catie, with a meow. Catie pawed at my leg and meowing also.

"What's up, Catie darling?" I asked the cat picking her up in my arms.

"Meow! Meow!" the cat yelled at me.

"What?! I don't know what you want! I don't speak cat!" I told the siamese cat.

"Neigh!!" That's the sound of Thor's whinnying.

Thor was my tanish colored four-year-old mustang horse. What is up with that horse? I walked over to my horse and pet his nose, stroking it to calm him down. I don't know what's up with my animals at the moment. My Bernese Mountain Dog, Maggie, started barking at me. Wait. Shouldn't Maggie be in the corale guarding the horses and the cows and the other livestock roaming around?

Oh, whatever. There are several other dogs on this property that could do the exact same thing. Maggie ran up to me and chomped her teeth into my sleeve before dragging me to wherever (or whatever) it was that the animals were going apeshit over.

"What is up with you guys? What's all the commotion about? Nothing is wrong. Everything is... fine." I said before seeing what they actually going nuts over.

A reindeer was in my barn, and it was limping on his right rear leg. There was a collar around it's neck. I went over towards to inspect it. The reindeer started to limp away from me while making some very natsy-sounding incoherent noises.

"It's okay. It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to see your tag." I read the word Comet in golden letter. "Comet. That's your name? It's okay. You're going to be okay. I just want to know what's wrong with your hoof. Just come to me. [Y/N]. I promise I won't hurt you. Come here."

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