Entry #2

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The largest similarity between (Y/N) and Jay's experiences was how Masky stared directly into the camera. At one time, his body language was stiff, making him seem a bit hesitant as he crept from one side of the room to the other. He just stood right beside her bed, leering down at her. His reluctant hand reached out to, but never actually touched her. The notion confused and terrified her once she saw it, but tried not to care. Five a.m. the next morning, she awoke.

The sun reached in through the dusty, lace trim curtains of her cheap hotel room. As the early summer rays hit (Y/N)'s the face she groaned, forgetting where she was for only a moment. As realization dawned on her, her anxiety spiked. She swiftly stood up and got sloppily dressed, grabbing her things in a flurry.

Scurrying down the hotel stairs and to the front desk she signed out and rushed away. Swiftly, she scrambled to her car, not focusing on where she threw her things. She never imagined that she would end up like she was now. So much she previously thought was wrong. After around an hour's drive away from the town that stretched out behind her, she finally stopped for gas. Now forty dollars down, and with a full tank, she took a pause. Pulling out the memory stick from the camera and plugging it into her laptop, then saw the video of the night prior.

She was in shock and disturbed, but, with shaking hands, she unplugged the memory stick and put it back into her camera. Immediately after, she shut her laptop and plopped it nearly directly on top of the camera. Wasting no time at all, she drove off once again. (Y/N) had no destination, no idea where she was going, so of course, in her manic panic, she got lost. Trying her hardest not to fumble, she pulled out her phone and pulled up Google Maps, plugging in McDonald's, which was the first thing to come to mind. As the familiar AI's voice chimed up, a small wave of comfort washed over her at the sound of something familiar. (Y/N) sighed, hoping to get to a populated area where she was sure to be safe.

The road she had fallen onto was a bumpy dirt road. Loose, tan dirt could be seen flying up, creating clouds that sat just above the ground. As she continued driving along as fast as she could, the odd car driving past, she realized how quiet it was. In her rush to get out, she hadn't turned on the radio or even popped in her phone aux cord.

(Y/N) had never tried so hard to calm down before, but today was proving to be quite hard. (Y/N) felt as though she was a mouse in a cage or a puppet on a string. Her yearning to escape only grew stronger with every second that passed. She hated being so worried, so paranoid. Her stomach growled, hungry for the breakfast it had not yet received. Ignoring the rage of her growling stomach got harder the closer she got to the main roads. She had but twelve miles left, her hunger only growing.

As though a sudden snap happened, all of her hunger disappeared. Although it was indistinguishable as to who it was, she didn't care. Her heart dropped as she scurried out of her car and rushed to the body lying in a pool of blood on the ground. Looking at their face she could see their pale white face, as though they had been kissed by death himself. It was impossible to tell how tall they were as they were tucked into the fetal position and stuck. There was a small puddle of a thick, crimson liquid around them.

(Y/N) kneeled cautiously, finally getting a better look at the unidentified person's corpse. It became evident that the person was a man, he appeared burly and had a thicker stature. The man's eyes were still open and looked as though ice had frosted over them in the dead of winter. (Y/N) didn't know what to do. It was clear that this man had been dead for a while considering his appearance, how long she was unsure. There was no insect life to be seen, so he was either sealed away or dead for only a couple days. Even with her quick analysis, she knew either way that he was not here for a long time. She hadn't seen a car for a solid twenty, maybe thirty minutes, so it could have been placed there before. The way the man was placed carefully in the middle of the road, especially with how he was built, there was no way somebody could have missed it.

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