When her hair fell back in front of her eyes, Hermione groaned and paused to grab a hairband from her bag. Stepping to the side so that other students could get by, Hermione bent over and set her bag on the ground. Then pulling out a brush and brown hairband, she began to brush out the tangled. After yanking her fingers through the knots and making sure it was detangled-ish, Hermione pulled her hair back into a messy ponytail. Two loose strands escaped the ponytail and hung in front of her face. They weren't in her view so she allowed them to hang. Hopefully they framed her face a bit and didn't look ridiculous.

   Packing up her things, Hermione began to stand but froze when she saw someone's shadow. She looked up to see a stranger looming over her. Hermione blinked and swallowed then stood slowly, coming face to face with the strange boy standing before her. The stranger was tall and dark skinned, he was dressed in Slytherin's robes and wore a scowl. With a deep breath, Hermione forced a smile and ignored the urge to shudder. The boy's eyes narrowed but he made an attempt at a smile. It was a poor attempt and he still looked annoyed and almost sickened by Hermione's presence.

   Hermione began to pass him but he stepped in her way. Now he had a wide grin that played on his lips. But it wasn't a kindly, genuine smile, it was more of a malicious sneer. Hermione looked around and noticed that the halls were almost empty. Only a few students straggling about lingered. The boy was terribly close now and his breathing was heavy. There was something about the look in his eyes that terrified her. He looked to be in his fifth or sixth year and towered over Hermione. She resisted the temptation to tremble once more as chills ran down her spine.

   Raising her chin, Hermione stood as tall as she could. She didn't want to show any fear. She didn't know why this Slytherin would be targeting her but he didn't look like he had any friendly intentions. Stuffing her hands in her pockets, Hermione felt for her wand and wrapped her fingers around it. She tried to keep her posture normal and not reveal how tense she truly was. Hermione smiled to the best of her ability and faced the boy with as much confidence as possible. "Can I help you?"

The boy snorted. "You can go to hell where you belong."

Hermione's eyes widened and her grip tightened around her wand. "I'm sorry. Have I done something to offend you?"

He let out a breathy laugh. "Your very existence offends me, you filthy mudblood."

   She had to admit, that stung. Even though she didn't know the boy, it was almost like a slap in the face. She hadn't heard that word used like that since... since Draco had taunted her. It wasn't as harsh when people had just called her a mudblood, but "filthy mudblood" was the same term Draco once used. Hermione winced, it pained her to think about it. Every time that memory was unearthed, it only hurt her and troubled Draco. He felt enough remorse and guilt without it being brought up. Hermione lifted her chin and quickly pushed the thought aside and gave the boy a death stare. "Then why have you waited until now to confront me? And why me? I'm not the only muggleborn in this school?"

The boy sneered and took a step closer and Hermione backed up, her back pressing against the wall. Her breath was ragged and she swallowed as her throat constricted. He was pinning her against the wall without even touching her. "Because, your coorupting and tainting our bloodline."

Hermione turned her face away from his, looking anywhere but his dark, taunting eyes. "I don't even know who you are."

   The boy growled and for a split second Hermione was afraid he was going to hit her. "You stupid girl! You are defiling the pureblood status! Draco is a pureblood, you and he could never be together! Should never be together! You shouldn't even be allowed to come to this school! You are desecrating Draco's name and honor, not to mention his pureblood status! Mudbloods are the scum of the earth. You are a mudblood and that is all you will ever be!" The boy took a step back and ran a hand through his hair. "Draco deserves better. Someone who's blood isn't impure and tainted like yours. Soon come to his senses amd come back to his own kind, where he belongs."

Fascination|𝐴 𝐷𝑟𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑆𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦 (𝚈𝚎𝚊𝚛 3, 𝙱𝚘𝚘𝚔 1)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें