Chapter 1

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The cold breeze rushed through the window, making the curtains flow freely in the air. Sun rays peeked through the clouds as the birds flew low in the sky, indicating the first few signs of rain.

It was always like this in Senoul. Unpredictable, in other words. One minute there were signs of rain, the other it was freezing, and before you know it, it feels like summer yet again.

In the corner of the room, Ree tightened her hold on the shawl she had draped around her shoulders, shielding herself from the cold. She glanced through the window deep in thoughts. It reminded her of the days she was newly married and used to spend time with her ever-so-caring husband and they used to go on long walks before he would have to leave for work. Ah, how good were those days! New lifestyle, romance everywhere and just the feeling of being dazed all the time was just a routine.

Had she ever imagined that those days would turn into mourning for her, and she would end up dreading delightful mornings, wondering what else life had in store for her, that she would have to face alone, once again.

Hello everyone! Thankyou for reading! I hope to upload soon, till then remember me in your prayers and stay tuned for the rest of the story!

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