The hunt

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After every one flashed out it was just Artemis and Perseus in the throne room together even Hestia who normally stays at the hearth was not there anymore. They all needed a break to think over what just happened and how it could have gone very much worse.

"Artemis would you mind helping me with moving my family somewhere safer while we talk" Perseus said. Artemis was still very nervous around him she had always felt safe when near Perseus he was the complete opposite of what she perceive the male species to be and she truly respected him for showing her that not all men are vile disgusting pigs. But after everything that has happened in the past hour or so she was scared of what it was he wanted from her but none the less she agreed to help him more his incapacitated siblings somewhere else.

"Ok so we will be taking them to a pocket dimensions I created to house criminals of the highest degree." Perseus said as he opened up a portal to a land that was completely different then Olympus. "How did you make this" she said because inside it was the complete opposite from Olympus's bright happy look.(basically this prison dimension is Carandiru Penitentiary but ten times worse).

"Well I combined some of my domains power into one and made this." He says while waving around the prison. "I used my creation domain for the most part but when I combined my other domains with it, it helped out quit nicely"

As they were walking around the prison to the cells that awaited Perseus's sibling Artemis grew continuously more anxious and curious about why she was here but she kept quiet for the moment knowing that it was not the time to ask. After walking a while they finally came across five cells that looked like they where truly indestructible. Perseus noticed her looking at the cells in wonder and he said "amazing army they they are made from the combination of every mythical metal there is as well as mortal steel and finally it is coated in liquid diamond it is a truly indestructible material." Artemis looked on in wonder at how he managed to get all the materials to make that and was able to bond them properly.

After ten minutes of work in getting the siblings situated in a cell Perseus finally started to explain why he wanted to talk to her. "You are probably wondering why I asked you to stay with me to talk aren't you" Perseus said. "Yes I am curios why you asked me to stay" "well you see I wanted to talk to you about your punishment" at this Artemis gulps "you see the punishment I gave you was actually part of a idea I had for a long time but I didn't want to anger my favorite niece when I brought the idea up to her so I used this little incident to have the idea given to you" Artemis was very confused she didn't know wether to be angry at him for taking advantage of the situation to change her hunt or be happy she didn't get a real punishment.

"You are probably angry with me for taking advantage of the situation but it was the best way. Your hunt is still relatively new and while you have collected your hunters I have also collected some hunters for this project. All the hunters I have collected are male and under the same oath that I told you about earlier so there are no problems there. But I would like that each one of the hunters you have are paired up with a hunter I have and my hunters will take a second oath where they swear to forever protect there charge. Now they will not be slaves for your huntresses but there friends and protecters. I have no doubt that your hunters can take care of themselves they need to learn not to be so judgmental of the male species after one or two encounters with just one bad man. Also from now on I would like it if when your hunters join you do not bless them immediately and you remove the blessing that your current ones have. They should grow up more don't give them the immortality but wait a bit till the are at lest sixteen and a max of eighteen they are too young to truly understand anything when you make them immortal. Letting them age first while they take your oath is a very good idea and as for the blessings that increase there natural skill that should be removed as well until they have reached there peek physical ability's because if you face something that has the power to take away your blessings they would be adolescent teenagers without any real training. And they should be trained in all forms of weapon, they should know at lest the basics with every weapon and they should pick a non hunter weapon to learn and completely master. They should also be taught hand to hand combat. Your hunters are set to be the spear head of are defenses but there are so many weaknesses that if found they can be overcome."

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