

Aha, 2018, The year he went missing. Perfect. I scan over the files under his name and sigh gently. 

"Incompetent fools" I mumble, "These have nothing of use besides evidence we might be able to use to spark something" I mumble and frown gently as I examine the files before looking up at them "Heres whats gonna happen, After dinner you guys are gonna go back and I'll be with Tetsuya for a while. I'll see what I can get out of him that can help, I'll text you all tonight after we're done" I say 

"Why do we have to leave?" Kagami Asks

"Because I said so don't ask me questions" I from as I look back at the screen before hearing footsteps come down the stairs, I quickly lock my laptop and shut the lid placing it under the table as I sit back. Watching the mop of blue hair walk back in and smile softly before sitting down. 

"Sorry I took so long" He says as he looks around "So...If you don't mind me asking... What was Kuroko like?" He asks, I look around at the soft smiles that covered the faces of my former teammates, And Kagami 

"He was..." I look down for the right words  

"Amazing" Aomine whispers 

"He was strong" Murasakibara chimes in 

"And resistant" Kise smiles 

"And the kindest" Midorima says looking down at the lucky items in his hand, A soft chuckle escapes Kagami

"He was.. Different than anyone I ever met" He whispers 

"He's the whole reason we're all together. He made us who we are today and is the whole reason we... are happy" I say looking down "He was our best friend" 

"Wow...I'm sorry about what happened to him, He seemed to make an Impact on your lives" He says as food comes in, 

"He did" I whisper as I stare at him. I take a deep breath and look down as I start eating glancing at the clock. I'll only have a few hours Or so when they leave. Any information I can get out of him will be amazing. Come on Tetsuya, What happened to you, give me something?

67 P.O.V

I Couldn't find anything in his office when I went to the bathroom, Maybe if I find his dads office? I don't know. At least I have SOMETHING to please the commander tonight, The daily phone call will go better today and I can't wait not to get yelled at down the phone. Maybe I can ask more about his Business later. 

The table was silent as we all eat, For a man with a lot of money the food isn't posh like I thought it would be. Its good though. At least its hot, The food we get in the compound is cold and bland, Not that I'm complaining its food, At least we're eating. 

If we do a bad job that day we don't eat, Its fair. I sigh gently as we eat in silence, Maybe I made a mistake asking them about Kuroko. I don't know, they all seemed like they had happy memories but..They're eyes showed a hint of sadness and regret in them, Except Kagami.

"So Tetsuya, Do you wanna do the class assignment together? They said we can do it in groups and well, since you were home schooled I thought you might wanna work together?" Akashi says, Perfect. I smile 

"Oh yes, that's nice of you Akashi. I'd like that" I say and push the plate away, "Thanks for the food" 

"Its no problem sebu" He says and glances at the others who were also done. 

"Well we should head back" Kagami says as he stands, Along with the others with nods of agreement. "Uh, Have fun you two" He says as they leave, I look back at Akashi 

"So..." I stand up as he smiles gently and rises from the chair 

"Lets head up to my room" He says as he walks away, Nigou following him, What a cute puppy, he was probably so confused when his owner didn't come home, He probably didn't understand that...His owner that Kuroko...Would never come home. 

"Sebu?" Akashi whispers as we stand in his room, I see his hand reach for me and I flinch back and sigh "Sorry its just" He presses his warm hand against my face and wipes my eyes "You were crying" 



We're...Not allowed to cry, I don't cry I don't show any emotion, Another reason why I was chosen for the agency. No emotion meant you don't get held back on the job. I look back at the red haired male who was looking at me with concern as he wipes my face from the tears. My eyes widen as I bat his hand away and he quickly withdraws 

"Sorry" He says holding his hands up in protest, "I was just..I'm sorry" He says, I swallow hard and look around the room

"Its fine, Its..It was just weird to have you touch my-" I pause when my eyes land on a shelf on the wall, A picture of a blue haired boy smiling softly at the camera, A few vanilla candles around and some flowers in a vase. The same blue haired boy I saw during the game. "My face" I finish as I walk closer to the photo "Is this Kuroko?"

"Yeah" He whispers behind me "I light those candles every day before I sleep.. My way of saying goodnight to him I guess" He picks nigou up and walks to me "I used to text him goodnight so..This is how I do it now" I hear his voice crack as I stare at the picture. This boy had so much life in him,So much hope. 

Seemed like he had a good life and was looking forward to a lot of things, and he got taken so soon, I guess I cant get angry considering what I do. 

Its not like I want to do it, If I don't I go back to conditioning, Back in the room. 

In the dark 

With the constant ringing in my ears getting louder and louder 

and louder! 

I clear my throat and sigh "You must have cared for him greatly, You must miss him a lot" 

"I do, I visit his grave a often as I can. I always make sure to go on his birthday. Me and the others also keep his gravestone clean since they don't really look after it. His mother doesn't really have the energy anymore. Poor woman." He mumbles, I look back at the red haired rich boy next to me. Maybe hes nicer than I thought, He seems to care for Kuroko greatly, He seems to really..

"You loved him didn't you?" I whisper without thinking, He blushes a little and turns away 

"Uh.." He sighs "Yes...Yes I did, I loved him. So much. And hes gone and I don't know what to do anymore" he says trying not to cry, I bite my lip tightly, Why did my heart skip so much when he said that? Why did I react like that? I sigh gently as I clear m throat

"So...Shall we work?" I ask, He turns and smiles gently setting the puppy down 

"Yes lets get started" He says as he sits down gesturing me to sit next to him. "So first we pick a topic to research and write up" He says 

"Okay so this is for our history class" I mumble he nods 

"Yes so I was thinking we could do...Assassinations of world leaders and famous figures" he says, Oh boy..He could find out about the organization, But I could learn so much. I'll just have to be careful with what we're looking up. 

"Sounds good to me" I smile gently as I look around before feeling a heavy lump hit my lap, I look down seeing Nigou curled up on me, This feels strangely nice. Why do I feel like, I've misses this, I pet him gently as he sleeps calmly. I pull my notebook out and look up at Akashi who's eyes were focused on his computer. Such focus and concentration, He really is a businessman, But...why am I assigned to kill him again? What did he do wrong? He seems like a nice guy, Why do they want him gone so bad?

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