Chapter three

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It's December 23rd. Tom is coming home today, Paddy and Nikki are about 20 minutes away with Tom in tow. I'm sitting nervously at the Holland's dinning table. I Decided to make them dinner because they hadn't seen Tom for 4 months and they were already stressing. i Heard the door open. Tom didn't know i was going to be here and he looked at me confused before continuing to say. i'm sorry. i don't know you. I'm Tom! He reached out his hand and i shook it and replied. 

And i'm Tammy Your best friend since we were 10! 

His smiled faded and he looked down. i stood up. 

Oh by the way your welcome for the food i made Sheppard's pie! Your favorite {incorrect BTW}

I walked towards the door and tom tried to stop me but i ignored him, leaving and running back to my house. i sat down on my bed and sighed shakily. I Wiped my face and decided it was a Friday night and i should be doing something fun. i texted my party friend and she told me there was one tonight and loads of people i know were going.

 i texted my party friend and she told me there was one tonight and loads of people i know were going

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

i ran down the stairs and out the house, hopping into Beth's car. She turned up the music on full and i had some Pre-party shots to get me in the mood.


i walked into the house and was immediately handed a drink. i downed it and put the cup down as i was called over to play beer pong.


I lost a few games of beer pong and it was safe to say i was drunk as hell. I Bumped into a guy and apologized. Familiar blue eyes looked softly at me.

Hey Tammy! A little drunk are we? I hiccuped and giggled at Haz's comment. Another boy came over, this one i didn't recognize. Haz waved and walked off leaving me and the mystery boy alone.

Uh hey im Tom! Nice to meet you.  The name was familiar but it just wouldn't come to mind.

Hi im Tammy! nice to meet you too! He smiled softly at me.

Would you like to dance? I smiled at him and nodded as he walked me to the room people were dancing in.

I felt oddly comfortable with Tom, it feels like I've known im for years. It was nice. The song changed to a slow song and the dance floor emptied. i went to walk away and Tom put his hands on my waist smiling. So i put my arms around his neck smiling. I Could smell the alcohol in his breath and i was pretty sure he could smell it from mine, as we slowly leaned closer together and our lips met. They fitted together like his lips where the only lips i needed. I Could forget about.....what was his name? You know the guy from dinner? Oh im too drunk to remember. Anyway i could forget about him because this kiss was meant to be. Well, maybe not like this but definitely one day.

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