"Rin Matsuoka. My name may be girly, but I'm still a boy!"

Even though it was obvious that he was a boy, I smile at his introduction and at the fact that a new friendship came about.

~Present Time~

It's my 2nd year in high school now, and one more year before I graduate. Things have changed as the years passed, but it's a working progress. Now I'm trying to get Haru out of the tub. He spends so much time in there since it's cold outside.

"Haru! You have to hurry up! You need to get ready or we'll be late!", I yell, but I knew that he didn't listen.

I live with Haru now due to my mom passing away and some parental issues with my dad that I won't talk about at the moment. Haru's mother was able to take me in and give me shelter so I won't have the possibility to be so far away from Iwatobi High School.

As I pull my hair into a high ponytail (or keep it down if your hair is short), I hear the doorbell ring. I open the door to reveal Makoto standing in front of me.

"Morning, Makoto", I greet him.

"Good morning, (Y/N)", He greets back with a kind smile, "Is Haru ready yet?"

"I think you know the answer already."

"Of course. Why did I even ask? I'll go get him."

As Makoto goes to get Haru, I finish getting myself ready for school. And a few minutes later, Haru comes out of the bathroom, but he was still in his swimsuit. I sigh as he goes to the grill and makes himself some mackerel.

"Wait, you're talking about being late, but you're doing this?!", Makoto shouts.

"I didn't have any breakfast", Haru says bluntly.

"But you're wearing an apron over your swimsuit. Aren't you gonna get cold?"

"Not really. I didn't want to get any oil on my swimsuit."

"Well, you might want to hurry up. School will be starting soon, and we don't wanna be late", I warn my friends.

~At school~

Makoto and I were able to get Haru out of the house and to school on time. When we got there, the teacher starts taking roll, calling the students' names of who were here. And when she reaches Haru's name, she mistook him as a girl. Again.

"Actual, ma'am, Haruka's a guy", Makoto corrects her, as the class laughs at the mistake.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Mr. Nanase. And I'll be your new homeroom teacher this year. My name is Miss Amakata. It's nice to meet you", Miss A greets herself.

Apparently, Miss A used to work with modeling before becoming a teacher. I don't know why she gave up such a great job for this one, but I know that's none of my business.

"Hey, Haru, (Y/N), it's lunch time. You guys want to go up to the roof?", Makoto asks us with a smile.

"Sure. What about you, Haru?", I say.

I'm Free! (Iwatobi Swim Club X Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz