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Wooyoung sighed softly as he re-played the music. He'd been doing it over and over because the fucking dance instructor was unhappy with how he was doing it. The members were against the mirror watching.

Wooyoungs legs felt numb. His whole body was aching and screaming for him to stop. But he didn't stop. Wooyoung had this thing where everyone had to be happy. If they were sad wooyoung felt at fault but he wasn't.

"Again!" The dance instructor yelled. Wooyoung nodded and started again. This time he almost tripped but kept going. The members were worried at the sweat that rolled quickly on wooyoung and onto the floor. It was to much sweat that, for all they knew, a human can produce. Wooyoung could slip and fall on it harshly. But he kept going as the dance instructor was being a bitch.

Wooyoungs vison started to blurr and bit. There were black dots showing up but that didn't stop him. He got light headed as his breathing became bad. But again, anything to make people happy.

Wooyoung stopped brutly as the dance instructor yelled loudly. "Stop! You need to get this right or you'll mess it up for the entire team!" He yelled.

Slowly Wooyoung couldn't hear anything. His body was slowly stopping on him but he started again at the music.

Wooyoung tripped and then stopped. His body was heating up and his brain was stopping. He had this massive head ache that wasnt helping.

Wooyoungs body fell as he eye's closed. His lower half hit hard. His torso never made it to the ground as San caught him. Seonghwa picked him up. San tried to wake him up but he didn't.

Wooyoung woke up to beeping and soft talking. The voices were soft and calm. He opened his eye's and looked around to see his memebers. San was next to him, holding his hand while talking to the doctor. Wooyoung sat up gently making each one of their heads snap to him.

"Wooyoung!" Yunho said. It came out excited but also in a sigh.

"Can you please exit? We don't need to over whelm him. One person can stay." The doctor said. San stayed seated while everyone else went outside.

"Hello Wooyoung, do you know where you are?" The doctor asked. His voice soft and calming. Wooyoung nodded. "A hospital." Wooyoung said. The doctor nodded. "Do you know why you are here?" He asked. Wooyoung shook his head. "You passed out due to over working your body and losing to much sweat which made you dehydrated." The doctor said. "We're just going to check you up and send you back with your friends. Okay?" Wooyoung nodded softly. "Ill be right back." The doctor said. Leaving San and him alone in the room.

San caressed Wooyoungs hand as he put his forehead against it.

"You scared me Woo. I thought something was seriously wrong." San said. "Im sorry..." Wooyoung mumbled. San looked at him and smiled softly as he pushed a strain of hair out of the way. "Dont be sorry. You were just over worked. Ill make sure that dance instructor gets his ass beat." San said. Wooyoung weakly hit his arm. "Ya- he was just doing his job. I should've asked for a break." Wooyoung said. "Dont put this on yourself. He should've known how exhausted you'd be after hours of practice. But don't think about it. Just get better." San said squeezing their hands.

"Thank you for catching me. I would have for sure broken a bone." Wooyoung said. San shook his head. "Don't say thank you. I just made sure my best friend didn't get that hurt."

Best friend. Thats all. Best friend's til the end.

Wooyoung smiled softly. The doctor came back in. He came closer to Wooyoung with a smile. Wooyoung blushed as they made eye contact. He just didn't like eye contact with strangers. It made him flustered. The doctor chcukled softly as he put a hand on wooyoungs leg.

"Just two more test and you should be out of here." The doctor said with a grin. Wooyoung hummed softly. The doctor looked like a predator looking straight at its prey.

San stood up and fixed the blankets, shortly covering the doctors veiw. He didn't like the way he was looking at his best friend. It made him go crazy.

After San sat down. Wooyoung smiled softly as the doctor. He was uncomfortable at the stare the doctor had on him. Or maybe je was uncomfortable at the feeling on the doctors hand on his leg.

"Could you wait outside? There's a test that needs to be ran." The doctor said. San shook his head. "No sir i can't wait outside. My team is outside. I am allowed to stay here. So please... run the test." San spoke with venom. The doctor was about to get his face when Wooyoung stopped it.

"Just wait outside, please. It's one test. Ill be home faster." Wooyoung said squeezing their hands. San glared at the doctor but then smiled softly at Wooyoung and kissed his hand.

He walked out slowly. But something in his gut made him turn around. "You know what. No. Take the test with me here." San said sitting back down and interlocking their hands again. The doctor rolled his eye's and walked out to grab the "test".

As wooyoung walked into the dorm again he smiled at the scent filling his nose. It was all of their perfumes, colognes, and just and candles they lit. It smelt like home to him.

"You need to rest for a while. We'll do small things so you dont miss much." Hoongjoong said. Wooyoung nodded softly. "Come on. Ill make sure you're settled in." San said softly, taking the hospital bag from seonghwa. Wooyoung blushed softly as he nodded.

"San is so fucking dense it hurts me." Mingi said. "He's jealous and he doesn't even know it." Yunho shook his head. "I know! He was going to rip that doctors head off." Mingi said. "So was I. He shouldn't have been that touching with wooyoung." Hongjoong said. "Touching his waist being creep and shit." Mingi rolled his eye's but then ran to the kitchen. "Lets eat something!"

"San, i can move on my own." Wooyoung said. San had a hand on his waist maling sure he didn't fall. San shook his head. "I dont want you to get hurt." San said. Wooyoung huffed and let it happen.

San had been touching his waist since the doctor had. He didnt like the way he was touching Wooyoung. He wasn't jealous.... He just didn't like another guys hands on his- i mean wooyoungs waist. The thought of wooyoung getying back hugged, hugged, touched. It made San go insane realizing that it wont be him touching Wooyoung like that if Wooyoung finds someone. San thought about back hugging him, kissing him, touching him. It felt right that way.

Wooyoung layed down with his back to San as he started to fall asleep. San layed next to him and traced his figure. The dips amd curves that made indentions at the way he laid. San hugged him tightly. "San....you and the other members need to do things." Wooyoung said. San only hummed. "Ok. And i want to hold you. They can come and get me. Just sleep." San said softly. Wooyoung sighed but nodded.

In his sleep, san brought Wooyoung closer as Wooyoung turned around and snuggled into his chest.

Both were in eachothers arms and fast asleep.

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