Chapter 21: Engage

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"I trust him. I trust our love and I trust him more than myself. I swear dad, I never wanted this to happen but the way---the way Jehwan was so sure when he said---".

"This is not his fault! Stop dragging him in this. You can't blame him when you knew all he does is find such situations to get on your nerves, to play you and you were not supposed to believe him---just like you never do. Why this time?!" Yunho says firmly and Jeongguk gulps.

"If Seokjin observed Taehyung getting uncomfortable when Jehwan was mentioned than he should've talked to Taehyung first, not---not an idiot like you. What the fuck were you both thinking when you went to Jehwan's house?" Yunho asks and he dares Jeongguk to look away.

The alpha knows he'll be on trouble if he looks away. It's a sign of weakness and Jeongguk can't be weak right now.

"You both were supposed to talk to Taehyung first, hear him out first. What Taehyung did, is right." Yunho utters and Jeongguk is left with nothing but shame.

"I'd like to see how you'll feel if I don't trust you anymore or of your friends don't or if Taehyung doesn't trust you anymore. Maybe then you'll know how painful it is to have your trust broken by a loved one." Yunho says and Jeongguk swallows the lump in his throat.

"It feels worse than you feel right now and the future alpha of this pack needs to know where he stands in this regard and that such behavior is unacceptable." Yunho says. He is the pack leader at the moment, not Jeongguk's father.

"You can't enter the pack house until you solve this issue between you and Taehyung. This is the most lenient I can be." Yunho utters and Jeongguk nods.

"Seokjin and Namjoon are getting engaged after two days, it's better if you talk to Taehyung then. For now, let him stay with Jimin. You need to clear your mind too." Yunho softly says and Jeongguk nods.

"You can leave." Yunho utters and Jeongguk bows to him, watches as his father turns around and looks away from him. Jeongguk sighs and walks out of the room.


Jeongguk told Seokjin that he'll be the one to talk to Taehyung first. The older omega was so upset and couldn't even focus on his engagement preparations. Jeongguk assured him that he did what his instincts told him  and it's okay, Taehyung will forgive him.

Jeongguk was worried about himself because his forgiveness sounds distant.

It's been five days now and Jeongguk is dying to see Taehyung tomorrow. He's not allowed in the pack house but he can go to the pack grounds where the ceremony will be held.

All these days, he had no motivation to work or to come home because Taehyung wasn't there at the moment and this thought made him sick. He just wants Taehyung in his arms, wants to hold him, kiss him and make him believe that he'll never do it again, that he'll never hurt him.

The next day, Jeongguk reaches the pack ground at time, two gifts in his hand.

He keeps on checking time, waiting for his mate and his son to arrive. The thought that Hansol really is his son makes him happy to such an extent that he can't explain.

Also, Jeongguk wants to see Taehyung in the outfit he sent him through Jimin.

The ground is decorated in white theme, tables set and lightening too. Almost the whole pack is present, only few are left. Yunho doesn't greet Jeongguk today.

And then he gets it---the most sweetest and addicting scent in the world, belonging to none other than the love of his life, his mate and his life---Kim Taehyung.

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