After I finished my shower, Father had told me that Maria Kurenai requested to be in the teacher's building. He gave me the reasons for this request, but I didn't listen. I gave Father my approval for this without him finishing. He didn't say anything else but walked away from my room's door. My hands were shaking when I tried to button up the Day uniform vest. The button was not in the proper place the first time. I got annoyed from this to unbutton my vest and sat down on the floor.

"I... need to get to class."

Even though I tell myself that, there was no movement for me to get off the floor. My voice sounded so weak from my ears. The bells ringing said to me that it was the start of first-class. That was the only thing that got me out off the floor and returned to put on my uniform correctly. I grabbed my school bag to show up late for class.

The reaction I got from my classmates and teachers were shocked at my arrival. There wasn't a day that I would be late for a class. Plus, Yuki and Zero were awake this time. That's where everyone was confused about this behavior from the three guardians. They probably thought that our roles were rever. I went up to my assigned seat with Zero next to me. The teacher didn't discipline for my tardy but continued with the class.

It was silent between Zero and me. He still refused to speak with me, which was fine with me. The teacher's lecture was going on, but my mind wandered elsewhere. My school bag wasn't open, nor did I have a notebook or pen in front of me. I continue to stare at my desk as yesterday's event and dream replayed in my head. A piece of paper from the corner of my eye had me glance at it. There was a message written on it.

'What's going on with you? You look so pale.'

I glanced at the owner of this notebook to see Zero staring at me. He leaned his head on his hand that was covering his mouth. Our eyes connect for a split second before I reached in my bag for a pencil. Should I tell Zero the truth or not? Well, he was acting like a child, so he doesn't deserve to know the truth. I took hold of the corner notebook to give him my response.

'Now, you care?'

I heard Zero make a 'tch' sound and close the notebook. It was the end of that short conversation. We were both being stubborn about this issue. The classes were ending faster than I thought. Each time I was sure to take out my notebook and write, I didn't make any move. The bell ring for lunch to happen. Yuki and Yori were the first to get up from their seats and ask me a bunch of questions. Their questions met with my silence. Yuki grabbed hold of my arm to get me out of my post.

"I know. You didn't eat breakfast, did you? You're never right till you have food in your system. Let's go!"

Just like that, she pulled me out of the class with Yori and Zero behind. Yuki didn't let go of my arm the entire time of our walk. We went to the cafeteria for her to get me a ham sandwich. The sandwich had tomatoes, lettuce, swiss cheese, and mayo dressing. I took the sandwich out of the wrapping to start eating. That one bite had me feeling better. Yuki was chuckling, so she handed me chips and a drink. I thanked her by taking the food and drink my arms. Yori was on the side of me chuckling too. The two girls can tell that my mood was getting better. We walked out of the cafeteria with my mouth stuff with food. I stayed in the back with Zero to finish my sandwich.

"A dance party?"

My happy mood went grumpy from hearing that by Yuki. This conversation was going to be annoying.

"You forgot about it?"

Yori questions the embarrassed Yuki.

"I'm not interested in dancing with anybody. More than that, I feel depressed about the final exam that's coming up. Right, Zero?"

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