Part 3; Kitten.

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Monday, November 26th, 3:10 PM

He boosted me up into his car, and threw me in carelessly. I whine mentally and hide my face in my knees feeling hot tears slide down my cold cheeks. I hear him grumble, but I can barely make it out so I don't bother asking. I tremble violently and feel a searing pain shoot through my hip. I couldn't hold it in anymore, so I cursed. For the first time in 8/12 years. "FUCK!" I scream as it shoots through my leg and feel my muscle burning. I immediately clamp my mouth shut and feel his eyes on me. Except that fierce blue was replaced with a black, angry glare. "Did you just talk?" He grunts out, rolling his eyes like he didnt care. I choke on my own words, and keep quiet. I didn't even mean to, it just slipped out.  "Answer me Brielle, or you'll be punished accordingly." My eyes widen, and I stutter; "I-Uhm.. Uh.." He rolls his eyes again, and parks at this random building. I see him get out and ferociously rips open the door and grabs me by my jaw. "Kittens scared. Maybe she'll listen next time." He forcefully pulls me out of the car, keeping a firm grip on my jaw so I can't scream. I kick and squirm around but he leaned in close to my ear; "Quit fucking moving Kitten, or you're punishment is gonna get worse." I stopped, and just layed in his arms. He kicked open the door and threw me to the ground, My sneakers squeaking and my knees whacking the ground. "f-fuck.." I groan out in pain, but he's quicker. He lifts me up against the wall, applying pressure to my throat. I was gasping for air, hitting his arms but it was useless.

Mute// Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now