"Shit! I hope I didn't shoot any important organs on Hiro!"

"Ahaha! While you were thinking about your little plan of yours. I teleport to each liquid substance at light speed so not even the best camera can slow motion my speed! And as soon as I reached the sink, I grabbed Hiro as you weren't looking at your radar that detects his breathing and made a simple diversion! It's so simple even a 10 year old would figure it out!"

"Shut the fuck up! No one cares about your plan of yours!"

"Oh but it worked too perfectly! Look at Hiro!" Zorome takes a look at Hiro who was shot with 5 bullets. The 1st one  went and pierced through his stomach. The 2nd one is near close his heart. The 3rd one made a hole in his lungs. The 4th one penetrated his vocal cord, not allowing him to speak. And the last one is damn near his brain, pierce through his skull and almost through the brain.

"Fuck! Now Hiro has a chance to die even sooner!" Zorome gives up and bangs his head on the floor.

"Ahahaha! He has totally given up!"

"Not yet! I have one secret plan that even a 10 year old can figure out!" Zorome stands up, face built with confidence.

"And that secret plan is?"

"To hop foot out of here! See you in a bit Hiro!"

Zorome runs pass through Alpha and the rest. "Zorome, what is going on? Why are you bleeding!?" Miku tries to grab his arm.

"Alpha! Don't heal Hiro!"

Fuck it is that tongue crap again!


"Darn, he is trying to get out of The Clash's range of 20 meters. Let's follow him!" Squalo and Tianzo jumps from roof to another.

"If your Stranxx is that powerful but what is it's range! It's pretty obvious that you must get closer to me to attack me!" Zorome shouts. The people in the background stare at him, thinking that Zorome was an insane man.

"Crap! No more rooftops! We gotta land on the floor now!" Squalo and Tianzo jump off the roof and onto the sidewalk where Zorome is just 15 meters ahead.

"Don't try to get noticed Tianzo."

"Got that."

"Where are you bastard?! Considering I ran for a very short time! Your range must be shorter than your dick and you're near me?!" Zorome kicks the tree as people walk away, avoiding a criminal act.

"Just walk by him, we must act like a gay couple and just sit on the grass." Squalo puts his arm over Tianzo.

"All this act just for this weakling?! Ugh! Fine! I'm only doing this for more money!" Tianzo also puts his arm around Squalo.

"Now we must walk by and sit on the grass that is near him." Squalo and Tianzo walk casually.

"Honey, when are we going on that date you said about?" Tianzo has a feminine impression of a voice.

"Didn't I tell you! This Sunday." Squalo fakes his smile, his eyes piercing at Zorome still kicking down the tree.

"Oh I forget a lot! Please forgive me-!"


5 shots go through Tianzo's chest.

"Looks like I did 5 shots on your guy like you made me do with Hiro!" Zorome glares at Squalo next.

"Tianzo! No!" Squalo catches the almost dead Stranxx user.

"I'm guessing that was the man that was controlling my tongue..." Zorome walks closer and closer.

"How did you catch us?!" Squalo is in tears.

"You're fucking stupid! You have a goddamn hole in your arm that my Areosmith shot! Your acting is also terrible!"

"Shut the fuck up!"

"Squalo, my sacrifice will not be in vain. The bullets that made my blood shoot out, it's right next to him. Use your Clash to bite his head off for me." Tianzo's soul leaves his body and up to the afterlife, not heaven though.

"Tianzo! No! You bastard!" Squalo drops the dead body and also walks closer to Zorome.

"Take that!" The Clash bites Zorome in the neck.

"Haha! I win! Wait what?" Zorome doesn't seem to be flinching from the pain at all.

"You think after you took my tongue off of my mouth? That this pain is more unbearable!" Areosmith starts shooting Squalo to death,


"Volare Via.." (Go flying)

"UAHH! You're suppose to be dead! How are you still willingly able to live! Is it because of their friend that is in danger! Or are they stupid?!" His last words to Zorome before dropping dead.


"Alpha! Go heal Hiro right now! He is almost dead!" Zorome pants from the run he just took.

"Why are you bleeding?!" Miku slaps the back of his head.

"Me and Hiro were just attacked while you guys were enjoying your food! Now go heal him!" Alpha quickly heals Hiro in the bathroom.

"Thanks Zorome. I almost died from not that neck bite but from your bullets that shot me." Hiro laughs.

"You shot Hiro?!" Ichigo strangles Zorome on the floor.

"It was on accident. Don't worry, I'm okay now." He puts his hand up.

"Okay then. Let's head out." She lets go of Zorome and heads out.

"Hey what should our name be for our group?" Futoshi asks Ichigo.

"I already got a name for us! We are going to call ourselves! Darling Crusaders." Hiro claims their group name.

"No way!"

"I like it! It's cute!"

"Same here!"

"Only Zero Two calls me that!"

"I don't care really."


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