Little Lovers: New Generation

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After eating breakfast, Sakura cleaned the dishes while Sarada prepared for school. The now ten-year-old girl soon finished and walked to her mother.

"Mom, I'm going now."

"Sure cupcake, just don't forget to invite your friends for the party later."

"Yes Mom."

But before she could take another step, Sakura smirked and added, "Oh, and say hi to Bolt for me!"

Sarada blushed. "Mom!"

Glaring cutely at her mother, she dashed out of the house.

The pinkette laughed.

She knew her daughter had something for the young Uzumaki. She knew her all too well. And the fact that, at first, she acted that way towards her father.

Sakura then sighed dreamly at that thought.

"Oh Sasuke.. your daughter is just as stunbborn as you when it comes to expressing her feelings."


When the young Uchiha reached class she sat right away and scanned the room. Hoping to find a glimpse of yellow in it. Yet, she found none..

She inwardly frowned.

Where is he?

"Happy Birthday Sarada!" One of her classmates greeted her. She smiled and mumbled a 'thanks'.

Soon enough, almost all of her classmates in the Academy greeted her even Aburame-sensei. (Shino)

All but one certain obnoxious kid.

In fact, Bolt was no where to be found! And that made her sad..

Did he really forgot my birthday?


During the party, which was held in their backyard, Sakura noticed her daughter sitting alone in a chair while her frienda were having a great time playing with the clowns.

She knew Sarada wasn't the social type -again, thanks to Sasuke's dominant genes- but even so, she is not like this. She seemed so sad.

Sasuke was sitting beside her. Taking a sip of tea while watching the kids, but soon, he too noticed their daughter's gloomy mood.

"What do you think happened to her?" Sakura asked. Her motherly instincts getting the best of her.

"Hn. I don't know either.. What do you usually go through when in her state?" He asked.

"Well.." She thought for minute then replied.

"Monthly period?" He suggested

"Sasuke! Sarada doesn't have one yet!"


"..But for me. I usually go through that state when I'm either depressed of having these feelings for you or cursing myself why I love an emo bastard like you."

Sasuke sweatdropped.

But soon enough, before he could answer her with a 'I didn't even asked you to love me in the first place', a yelled erupted throughout the area,


Sarada covered her ears and do did the others. But soon she smiled when she saw "Bolt!"

The boy ran towards her with a rather large package wrapped in yellow gift wrappers in one hand. "Sarada-chan! Happy Birthday!" He greeted and handed her the gift.

She blushed madly.

"Sorry I didn't greet you this morning! I was absent because I had my Mom help me out with this, dattebayo!"

So he didn't forgot.

She slowly unwrapped it and revealed a big home-made stuff frog. "Thank you.." She said and gave the said boy a peck on the cheeks.

Bolt blushed and grinned ear to ear.

"Come on Sara-chan! Let's join them!" And with that, she placed the stuffed toy on her chair and ran with Bolt towards the others,

Hand in hand.


"Tsk. She is so shy towards him. Even if it's crystal clear that she likes him."

Sasuke commented and sighed. They grow up so fast, didn't they?

Sakura snorted at her husband. "Says the one that didn't acted that way when he fell for me."

"Don't flatter yourself Mrs. Uchiha."

"Yeah right. You are just too damn stubborn to admit it!"

"Why, thank you." (Note the sarcasm) he said and kissed her cheek.

She rolled her eyes.

Uchihas and their 'thank you's..


.The End.

Speaking of Birthdays, my birthday was yesterday! :)

Have any cookies? (*^﹏^*)

SasuSaku: Book Of One-ShotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz