Little Lovers: New Generation

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Requested by: RaniaMautante

P.S. this is a Bolt x Sarada one-shot. But of course with slight SasuSaku. Oh, and for the picture, kindly check it on my profile (background) because I'm using phone. Sorry.

Hope you like it!

(Btw, Bolt's japanese name is really Boruto. But I'm using Bolt 'coz it sounds cuter ;) Oh, and Sarada's english translated name is Salad.. Yeah. It was Sasuke's fault. He loves tomatoes too much... -.-')

Sasuke: Hn.)



"All right kids, time to go. See you tomorrow."

"Hai Aburame-sensei!"

The youngsters chorused and packed up their things. As they did though, a certain blonde boy yelled with all his pride,

"Hey guys, wanna watch me make another prank?!" He grinned.

Oh he is so like his Hokage father when he was his age. Naruto Uzumaki always did mischief when he was younger. And to guess that it was just a coincedence that his son, Bolt, had the same personality, is a complete understatement.

"Oh give it a break Bolt. Everyone knows that you only do that to get your busy father's attention!"

A boy from the back replied at which the young Uzumaki stuck his tongue out to him.

"That's not true Shikadai! Dattebayo!"

The lazy boy only rolled his eyes at his companion.


Clearly, if that spiky dark brown hair tied up like a pineapple didn't give you a clue on who's son he is, then that statement would surely have by now.

As they started to bicker, little did they know that a certain ravenette was watching them.

Rather, him.


Sarada soon snapped out of her gaze when one of her classmates asked her something about an assignment. Sighing, she gave one last glance at the loud-mouthed Uzumaki and averted her gaze.

Will he even remember what tomorrow is?


The next morning, as she fluttered her dark orbs open, her pink-haired mother's charming smile greeted her.

Immediately making one of her own.

Mom's smile is what Dad loved that most.. she thought and was soon pulled in an embrace.

"Happy birthday sweetie!" Sakura greeted her daughter and pecked her cheeks. Sarada got her glasses on her nightstand table to clear her eyesight more.

She smiled. "Thanks Mom."

But as they made their way to the kitchen, she asked, "Where's Dad?"

The pinkette sighed while setting the plates. "You know your father. He's on yet another mission.. Tsk. He's such a pain in the ass sometimes." She mumbled the last sentence which didn't fell deaf to the Uchiha heiress.

Sarada smirked.

"But you still love him. Even if he's a total bastard. That's why you married him in the first place and gave birth to me."

Sakura giggled. "You're right.. Such a smartass. You're just like your father when he was your age."


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