Thanksgiving (Full version)

Start from the beginning


At the side's palace, Chris and Sebastian wasn't there to mess around. They need the sides and go. Chris Evans bent over on the counter. "Sides, please." He ordered. The cashier nods. "Didn't you order sides before?" She asked. "Yeah..But..we ran into a problem.." Chris blushed. "Oh, that's fine. Problems always happen, but we'll save you with some sides." She smiled and Chris laughed. She walked back to make the sides. Chris kept waiting until..


Chris gasped. He was smacked on the ass. He looked behind him and saw a buff man. Taller and muscular than him. "Hey! Not cool!" Chris shouted. "Shouldn't have been bending over on the counter like that." The man chuckled. Sebastian saw and jumped into action. "Hey! Leave him alone!" He yelled. "And what are you suppose to be? His boyfriend?" The man mocked. "Actually yes." Sebastian said confidently. Everyone was confused, even Chris! Sebastian And Chris weren't boyfriends, even though they have a crush on each other. "What— Chris was cut off by his waist grabbed and he was kissed. By Sebastian motherfucking Stan.

"Oh whatever you skanks!"

They pulled away. "Wow.." Chris chuckles.

"Oh, you wanna try us?!" Chris Pratt yelled. "Yeah!" He man huffed. "Dance off bro! You and me!" Chris yelled. His star lord was coming in him. Sebastian facepalmed.

A ding was heard. "Your sides are ready!" The woman said. She was holding the sides they exactly wanted. They took it. "Thank you!" Chris smiles. "No! I wanna do the dance off!" Pratt whined and they dragged him out. "Let's go." And they left.


"This is the last store," Scarlett Johansson said. "If they don't have it, we're out of luck." She said. Everyone walked in. It was almost pretty empty. But that didn't matter, all they need is the turkey. That's the main goal.

"Yes! They have it!" Brie Larson said and grabbed the turkey until another hand grabbed it. "Hey!" She yelled. "Brie Larson? The chick who played Captain Marvel?" She looked up and it was a man. He was probably a billionaire or such. "Uh yeah? Why do you care?" She rolled her eyes. "Hey, I'm saying, I like your movie! And..this turkey is mine!" He yelled and snatched the turkey. Brie fell, But Elizabeth catches her in time. "After him!" Chris Hemsworth yelled. Everyone started chasing the man. He was fast. Buy they were faster. Chris jumped on a shelf and tried to tackle him, but failed. They ran outside and saw a..jet?

The man ran into the jet, and the actors followed and jumped in, which cause the jet to fly.

"Hand over the turkey!" Robert yelled. "You May be wondering why a billionaire wants this so much." The man said. "I don't know, does it taste good or something?" Benedict shrugged.

"You all are stupid, Do you really think I'm going to eat this?" He said and shoved his hand into the turkey.

"Ew!!" Mark ruffalo yelled.

"It has a Golden wishbone, one that creates wishes!" The man chuckled. "What? But what could you wish for?! You're rich!" Brie said.

"The rights to thanksgiving."

"What?! Why?" Robert yelled.

"I run a successful business, but do I get the thanks-givin? No. Everybody is too busy with their families. Soon, they'll have to thank me!" He yelled and smirked.

"No!" Chris Hemsworth yelled and tackled the man. The wishbone scattered and Brie Larson picked it up.

"Guys! Let's act like we're doing a scene in endgame! Where we throw the gauntlet around!" She yelled.


"Benedict!" She yelled and threw the wishbone. Benedict caught it. The man ran to him. "Robert!" Benedict yelled and passed it to Robert. Robert caught it. The man was running around in circles and was getting very frustrated.

Chris Hemsworth then had an idea. Sure, this is going to be stupid, but it's worth it. He got his pocket knife out and hung over the jet. "Aah!" He yelled. Mark looked. "Chris!" He ran. "Don't worry! I'm fine. After I do this, I need you to help me up!" Mark nodded. Chris stabbed his knife into the ship, the pilot couldn't control the mess, so they abandoned the jet.

"You can take what you want! But you can't never take thanksgiving from us!" Robert yelled.

"Oh yeah? I got a wishbone that says otherwise." The man couldn't handle this bullshit. He kicked everyone off the plane. They screamed.

"Have a nice flight." The man smirked and closed his eyes. "I wish, that thanksgiving could be mine! And another million dollars in my swift account!" He yelled. But no wishes were coming, he looked down.

The wishbone was gone.

"No!" He yelled. He looked and saw that the jet was about to crash. "No!" He screamed.

Mark held the wishbone. "Guys, this wishbone is gold! We have to break it together!" He yelled. Everyone got together putting their feet close to hold onto it. Robert held Benedict's hand and smiled softly.

"We wish to be safe with our friends and family, NOW!" Robert yelled. Everyone tugged.

"Why isn't it breaking?!" Brie yelled.

"Cause it's solid gold!" Chris answered.

They tugged harder. Finally, it broke. Poof! Hey landed safely on the ground and saw they were home.

Tom and Jake walked out. "Whoa, What happened?" Tom asked.

"The Golden wishbone, we wished to come home, safe and sound, and it worked!" Robert Smiles.
"Well, almost, we don't have a turkey."

Tom and Jake smiled. "That's what families are for." Jake opened the door. Revealing everything cleaned up, the families and friends were there, and the sides, and smiles.

"Woah.." everyone said in awe.

"Who's ready for some turkey!" Lexi's rabes mom smiles.

Everyone cheered.


Everyone was chatting and smiling. Until, Robert stood up and tapped his glass with a spoon, about to make a toast. Everyone stayed quiet. Robert Smiles. "I just want to thank everyone for coming, it has been a long and crazy day for us, and you don't want to imagine the problem." He said earning some laughs. "Tom Holland, Jake Gyllenhaal, Tom hiddleson, Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson, Jermey renner, Mark ruffalo, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie, Benedict Cumberbatch, Elizabeth Olsen, And Chris Pratt. Can you all please stand up?" The actors stood up. "I know you guys aren't perfect, not even me. But the best part is. We saved thanksgiving! And I'm glad that we're all here together." Robert raised his glass. "Happy thanksgiving everyone!" Everyone cheered. They had the turkey. Getting some cute cuddles and kisses, and even laughs.

Benedict pulled Robert and chuckled. "Woah! Benedict!" Robert chuckled. "Happy thanksgiving Robert~" Benedict chuckled. Robert looked up and saw a mistletoe. "Hey. That's a mistletoe. Isn't that suppose to be for— Robert was caught by Benedict kissing him roughly. Chris Hemsworth smiles as he held the mistletoe for them.

Everything was going out they just planned. They all smiled.

Thanksgiving was saved.

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