chapter 13: Small discovery of things

Start from the beginning

That space used to be his seat but now it is nothing. I do kinda miss him. He is a funny and shy guy. He is one of the player that every team must have. And I just find out that he is all good in sports! Finally, a sport buddy! But he just left like that. To think that his last words to me is " Train hard" I must really train hard the day when he comes back, he will be pleased and I believe that the day he is coming back to Namimori is coming soon.

Hibari POV

This is the third day without anyone fighting me. This is getting boring. All because of that herbivore, I thought that he is strong but to think that he just the same as everyone else. But it seem to me that he is keeping his power back by force. Because of the rainbow seal. What is that? And what do he mean by giving me a healing cream? Is there any message behind this healing cream. I opened the healing cream and smell...I smell sakura. So a guy like him likes sakura? Pretty much unexpected thing I discovered about him.

* Time travel to 3 days later

Yukiko POV

I am actually quite pleased to stay with Dino san and his men. Yes his men might be in suits all the times but they are not like those men in suits that are hunting for me all these years..I can feel it. Nothing of the aura like those that I encountered before during Shitoro's death. Dino san is nothing much like Shitoro..only except that he is very protective of me like Shitoro. Most of the time he and his men would always go and settle some mafia issues while I on the other hand, would go to the hotel's library and read.

There are just too many books to read! Novels, fiction or not, I will always be drown by them before Dino san and his men return. As I am just about to look for a book to read, I stop on my track. There is something behind all these books. Because when I am browsing through, I felt a small lock hidden behind these books. Out of curiosity, I immediately take out those books that hide the small lock and observe it. This is not a normal has 7 hole to open this lock. How am I suppose to find 7 keys?

Just as I am thinking how, there is different energy of the rainbow running though my whole body. I got used to it and know when it feels at the highest, it would be best that I can stay calm or else I might release it with my anger. But I really want to see what is it inside..shall I try to break off the lock with my power? Feeling that the storm is arising within me, I focus a small amount of it the lock. I am shocked to see one of the lock's hole glows in red. Doesn't this mean that the lock requires all power of the rainbow to unlock? Man!!! This is getting more dangerous but I dont mind.

I spend a few minutes focusing all the power of rainbow at the lock. And within seconds after all the holes have light up, there is a thick old book found. There is a book inside!?! The cover of the book has a faded picture of a rainbow and it is covered in leather skin with gold and silver lining.

The title of that book is called " Behind the rainbow"

I couldn't help but to begin to read after I have finish admiring the book cover. When I open the pages, words are written in a language that I have not see before. But somehow I feel that it is as if I understand them. I use my fingers to feel the words when suddenly it is as if the words come alive. I started to see a rainbow. A bright colour of the 7. As I begin to flip to the next page, I can see that each different colour and it meaning with its purpose as one of the rainbow.

The first colour I see is red. Red represents storm. It means a raging emotion within the calm. Storm is the anger and force for offense. It is supposed to support the rainbow by being the quick one. The quick to decide, and bring forth any anger and force within the rainbow to bring out the maximum level of offensive attacks. So the storm is like someone who is very loyal and willing to fight for any of the rainbow as the user feel anger for anyone of the other users. One of the best attack elements due to its quick pace of attacks and accuracy.

The second colour is blue. It is the rain. It is a peace and smoothing emotion within the rainbow. Rain can be used in offensive and defensive attacks. Depending much on the emotion of the rain, it can be like a gentle rain or a pouring rain. It supports the rainbow by being the peaceful one for rain washes anger away. Therefore rain users are often very calm and peaceful people that can get well along with others. Often, it is a well liked element but when it is based on the rainbow, it will become different type of rain the user decides to be. Rain element is different from storm element but they can work well in an offensive and defensive combat combo. However it very much depends on the user's fighting style and how the combat is like.

Reading until here, I feel the high rise of energy coming in my body. This is the first time I experience this!!! Never have I had two energy coming through my body. I can feel it. Just as the book describes, a storm and rain..this energy within me I immediately grab those books that I have taken out and put them back. After that, I take that book and its lock and ran out of the library before the power is coming out.

Reaching to a open space with no one, I focus both of the storm and rain energy together and try to combine them into one or else I might destroy the whole building of the hotel. As I combine, I feel something different. Like a new power or something. And being curious, I want to test out this new power. " Coco, bring me my stick. Quick." I command Coco. He comes back within minutes, and as soon I grab on to the stick, the power travel to it as well.

Feeling the power have reaching its maximum, I try to compress it but I couldn't. This power is too much..Yukiko, you cannot lose your concentration or else it will take over you!!! And what happen later, I dont understand. Because my stick suddenly changes.. From an ordinary metal long stick into the bottom of it got blue and red. As I wave my weapon around, I can feel that the stick makes me stronger together with the energy within me. And it gives off hot quick water. As I wave another round, trying not to be too nervous, it gives off a defense wall of water with red pointy edges. What on earth is happening?!

I dont understand but I will find out.

Dino POV

Yuki chan is really funny. When my men and I come back from work, she is already waiting for us at the dinning table with all the food prepared.

" You cook all of these?" I asked in amazement.

" Only this chicken wings...the hotel's chef dont allows me to cook at all.." she said with a smile.

I give her a puzzled look and she simply shrug before adding," He told me that he is afraid that I might steal his job away." I couldn't help but to laugh...see!! I told you she is funny! I finally understand what the chef means when he said that...her chicken wings really tastes like top class. The skin is so crispy but not oily and the flesh inside are so tender and soft. She is really good. As we are eating, she seem to have something she wants to ask me because she keep on calling my name and stop.

" Dino san....erm..." " Yes, YukI chan? Are you alright? You must been saying that for the past 5 minutes."

"Okay, I should just ask you straight. Why your hotel room got enough space for a dinning table?"

I almost burst into laughters!! I mean, after that the hesitation, all she wants to ask is this? I swallowed the laughters before telling her that the current hotel we are staying at belongs to one of the mafia family last time. But that mafia family couldn't continue due to the death of its 36th boss, they had lost too many people and much money and this causing them go disband.

Even now that this hotel no longer belongs to the mafia, the management still welcome mafia members to stay. " What is this mafia family name? And why still allow?" she asked curiously. Now I know that she isnt just funny but curious as well.

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