Traveler's Prayer

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Clarke POV

"Raven, I'm sorry."

"Get out! Just leave me!" Raven had tears flowing but was trying to control them. Finn was family to her.

"There will be a funeral tonight. The execution will be in an hour if you want to come." I left her room.

I hope she comes. It may do her some good. Lexa says that it will be the way her people get justice. Death by a thousand cuts. I don't know if I will do a cut though.

When I made it outside I noticed Monty with his mom. I felt happy but sad. His dad died saving four children. I decided to visit my mom.

"Hey." I entered medical seeing Abby. She is at a table with papers working.

"Clarke. Is everything okay?"

"Yeah. I just wanted to see you. A lot has happened and we haven't really had time to catch up."

"You're right. I'm sorry." She looks up at me. "Is there anything you want to talk about?"

"I..." I hesitated not knowing what I wanted to talk to her for. "I don't know, mom. I missed you."

"Clarke, I missed you too." She steps closer to me. "What happened to your watch?"

I looked down at my wrist. "I don't know. I lost it when Mount Weather took me." It hurt to know I no longer had my father's watch.

"It's okay. Jake would understand." She hugs me. I haven't had a moment with my mom like this since his death.

"Abby! I need your help!" Jackson called for mom.

"I'm sorry. I have to go." She pulled away and went into another room with him. Well, that was nice while it lasted.


"Jus drein jus daun. Blood must have blood." Lexa called out while standing by the two men to be executed. She has explained the process to us. The first cut will be Anya to show us the way. She walked to the general and places the knife on his upper right chest. She pushes just enough to draw blood. He barely flinches.

This goes on for awhile. Raven has the knife to the warrior who killed Finn. You can see the pain she has while she cuts him across his lower abdomen. He cries out slightly due to her going deeper than anybody else.

She turns and brings the knife to me. I shook my head. Raven's jaw flexes and she passes the knife to Hannah, Monty's mother. I made eye contact with Lexa and noticed the confusion in her eyes. She will most likely question me later.

After many more cuts on both warriors, Lexa delivers the final blow. She uses her sword and slowly stabs them in the heart. I can tell she did not take pleasure in this. She wipes the blood off her sword and sheathed it. Her people begin to remove the bodies while Lexa leaves. They will be burned tonight after our dead.

"Clarke." I voice calls to me from behind.

"Anya." I say after I see her. She is emotionless as always.

"Heda, wants to talk to you in her tent."

"Thank you." I left for her tent.

When I arrived at her tent I felt nervous. I care for Lexa and I think it's safe to assume the same. We have kissed twice, once in the cave and yesterday. She seemed upset when we were interrupted yesterday. It was cute.

"You sent for me?" I asked while I entered the tent.

"Yes. Tomorrow we are leaving for Tondc." I nodded. Of course, I wanted to go with her but what will happen after we defeat Mount Weather. Will I ever see her again.

"What will happen after Mount Weather?" I blurted out.

"I will return to the capital. You should come with me to Polis." She had a slight smirk like she knew I wanted to be with her.

I smiled at her response. I felt relieved that she wanted me to join her. I walked to her, reached my hand behind her head and kissed her. I felt her smile against my lips.

"Clarke." She pulled away. "I have something of yours." She walked to a small table by her bed. When she came back she had my father's watch in her hand.

"Where did you find this?" I reached for it. I was excited to have it back.

"I found it while we were searching for you and Anya." I was looking at my watch on my arm. When I looked up into her eyes, I felt so many food emotions I couldn't process any. I'm falling in love with you.

Lexa smiled and pulled me back into a kiss. I wanted her. I deepened the kiss and cupped her jawline.


"People of Arkadia. In fire, we cleanse the pain of the past." Lexa passes the torch to Kane.  He lights the pyre.

"In peace, may you leave this shore. In love, may you find the next. Safe passage on your travels, until our final journey to the ground. May we meet again." Once Kane finished, I noticed Lexa had her eyebrows slightly furrowed. She seemed confused about something. I made note to question her later.

Most stayed till there were only ashes left. Lexa explained to me this was the way Trikru deals with their dead. Other clans have their own way.

I stood by Lexa now that Kane had left. Lexa broke the silence. "I was surprised to hear Kane speak the traveler's prayer. I guess our people are more alike than we realize."

I did not know what to say. The grounders had the same prayer as us? How? Now I know why she was confused.

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