Farm Station

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Lexa POV

I wait alone for Clarke. I feel so nervous. When I saw her and Anya yesterday I felt overjoyed. I thought I lost both of them to the Mountain Men. I sighed to myself. Love is weakness. I kept repeating it to myself.

Clarke enters the tent and all my thought left me. I stared into her deep ocean blue eyes losing myself. "Lexa?"

"Sha?" Jok. Pull yourself together.

"I said I have a map of the inside of Mount Weather and some information about their defenses." She slightly smiled but her eyes were confused.

I stepped forward for the map. "Tell me about them." I laid the map on my table. I could tell Clarke drew this from memory.

Clarke told me so much. We now know the dam generates their power, their front door has some type of safety system, why they take my people and much more. The main bits of information we are missing is about the Reapers and why Clarke's people are being treated differently.

"Clarke, come back with me to Tondc. I am meeting my war generals there to start planning the attack." Any other subject of mine I would demand them especially if they are important like Clarke. But I wanted her to go willingly with me.

"Of course, Lexa. My people are with you against Mount Weather." She lightly touched my arm. Shivers rushed across my body. I leaned forward bringing our lips together. I was glad to taste her lips again. Her hands cupped my face while mine were on her hips. I started to move one up her back when we were interrupted.

"Heda." The call came from outside the tent. Clarke pulled away.

"What?!" I snapped. Whoever is interrupting us will regret it.

He enters the tent. One of my scouts I sent looking for the last of Clarke's people. "We found another crash site. They landed in Azgeda."

"Tell Anya and Gustus." He nodded and left.

"Clarke, we need to tell Kane and Abby." I led her out the tent towards their camp. "Azgeda will kill them all for being on their territory."


The scout led Clarke, Anya, Gustus, Kane, Abby and Finn to the crash site. We also had my warriors to help defend the survivors. I did not approve Finn coming. He demanded it and Clarke decided not to argue with him.

It's been hours since we set out. We had a fast pace but were careful not to push our horses to hard. It's been two days since the crash so I know Azgeda has already sent warriors.

Azgeda warriors had the station surrounded when we arrived. Dead bodies laid in the snow.

"Chil yo daun (Stand down)" I demanded as we approached them. "They are protected by me."

"Heda, these intruders are on our territory." He spat in trigedasleng

My hand tightened around the hilt of my sword. "daun ste pleni (that is enoug). Chil yo daun." I growled at him. He bowed his head.

"Clarke, let them know it's safe." Abby and Kane left with her.

"Anya, make sure Azgeda does not do anything reckless." I went to join Clarke with her people but I noticed Finn kneeled down by the dead bodies.

"I will send word to bring the dead back. We need to focus on the living."

"They are mostly kids. Your people killed kids. Innocence kids!" He spat at me. He was right. Most of the bodies were kids.

"You are right. Justice will be served, Finn." Azgeda targeted the kids. Barely any warriors were dead. This is a crime to our ways. I walked back to Anya and the Azgeda warriors.

"Who lead this attack?" I demanded.

"I did." An Azgeda male stepped forward. He had his white war paint on and blood still on his hands.

"You slaughtered innocent kids. Explain yourself."

"None of them were innocent. They were all on Azgeda territory and not part of the Coalition."

"They are alliances of the Coalition! Word was sent out to all twelve clans!" I sent messengers when it was agreed between Clarke and I that Skaikru would be an alliance.

"You knew we were allies?!" Finn was to the side yelling. "You slaughtered them! Did they even do anything to provoke you?!"

"Finn..." I was interrupted by the Azgeda general.

"They were on our territory, uninvited, just like you boy." He stepped forward raising his sword.

I unsheathed my sword. "Stand down. Finn, go to the others." Anya and the rest also had their weapons drawn.

Finn did not listen to me. He stood his ground. Brave but stupid. "Leave now, Finn." I growled. He sighed and walked away

"Not so tough are you boy." Finn spun back around. Before anybody could react, an arrow flew out and pierced into his chest. The general's eyes widen with bewilderment. I quickly disarmed him and had my sword on his throat.

"Stand down! The general and warrior that shot the arrow will be punished. The rest are dismissed. Anybody who disobeys will die and bring war to Azgeda!"

The warriors looked around in hesitation. Once the first warrior sheath his sword, the rest followed his lead. Gustus restrained the prisoners.

"Mom save him!" Clarke and Abby were by the boy's side. He has lost a lot of blood.

"The arrow nicked his heart. We don't have the supplies to save him." Abby was trying to convince Clarke to let him go.

I kneeled down beside Clarke. "Yu gonplei ste odon."

Clarke and Abby looked confused. Finn coughed up more blood before he took his last breath.

"I will sent men to collect the dead. We need to get the others to safety." I left and mounted my horse.

Clarke's cheeks were stained by her tears as she mounted her horse. I waiting for the others. Abby and Kane gave up their horses for the surviving children. A wounded man rode on Finn's horse. The rest walked.

We rode at a slower pace due to having people walking. It was dark by the time we returned to the Skaikru village. I need to find out what they plan on calling it. I had Gustus tie up the two prisoners to a pole. They will be punished in the morning. Skaikru will have their justice and be witnesses to what happens if you break a law.

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