Chapter 1: Shit

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I hated it here.

Darkness, dragon, sand, my friends running away from me when I drink water.

Why? Well the End Isn't a place for me. I want to explore, If I leave I will fall into a never-ending hole. Yay. Well, the best I can ever do to explore around here is digging. Or playing with Emi. Yes. The Dragon has a freaking name.

Whenever I feel like running away or jumping off the land into oblivion, I run over to Emi and fly. She spins and I laugh. I Am actually freakin' happy for once in my boring life.

I noticed it sometimes. Bright lights flashing. They blink into the black sky. I can't explain them. But they're beautiful, like an Enderman's eye. Both deep. Like a never-ending supply of happy. I wish I knew what my eyes looked liked, I barely knew what I looked like. I knew I have yellow tinted hair. I forgot the word for it. And I know I have a figure. Enderman's are like encyclopedias. And blabber-mouths too.

One time, I was almost free. I saw it. He was tan. Brown hair. He looked around with Diamond skin and a bow & arrow. He looked at me. I peeked at him. He walked over and I drew back a breath. I wasn't alone. He was a few feet away and I hissed at him, creeper trick.

"I am Steve, Ready to smite the Ender Dragon. Do you need help?" He tilted his head at me.

"No. And you will smite nothing if I have anything to do with it." I snapped while hissing.

"Miss that was highly rude, and what shall be your name?"

"I don't care. And it's Alex."

I smiled at his shocked expression. I loved that, I have NO idea why. He slowly stepped closer and I hissed again. He stepped back obviously Scared of my Creeper-like noise.

"Well Alex, I must be believing that you live in one of the forests nearby."

I tilted my head and shook it. "I live here."

His eyes widened and he stared at me for a while. I grabbed my sword from my side and flipped it and caught it with ease. He shook his head at me and threw a Enderman eye at me.

"AHHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed and threw it over the edge. That was revolting! He had an EYE.

"Why did you do that?!" He peered over the edge.

"You killed an innocent Enderman to use his fucking EYES for transport! That. is. Creepy!"

"Well that is it I'm leaving. Stay here forever if you want!"

He threw something and a bright light appeared. He went in... leaving a note stuck into the sand. I picked it up and read it.


Hey Alex,

I'll leave this portal here. You seem angry. I know you would love it here. Just Blow through the horn. I will show you around. Maybe when you are here... We can hang out. Maybe teach me a few tricks with that sword.

Laters, Steve ( •‿•)



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