Chapter 10: Value

Start from the beginning

The nurse stared at him, all of a sudden looking uncomfortable.

"What happened?"

"Erm... Mr. Gupta told me not to show the reports to anyone."

"But I am family." There was a tinge of guilt in his stomach, but Arnav simply ignored it.

"He said not even to his family, especially..." The nurse didn't finish.

Arnav frowned, understanding dawning. Why would Alok forbid his own children –for who else was a part of the family– from enquiring about Garima? It made no sense. However, sensing that the nurse would not relent, he bid her goodbye and left the room.

The mysteries of the Gupta family didn't end there.

As the wedding approached closer, Arnav saw both Vihaan and Khushi get busier and busier with tasks. He offered his help on multiple occasions, but both of them refused point blank. Tired of their refusal and bored of idleness, Arnav started helping with the sangeet stage decorations alongside the workers one day, when Vihaan walked by and froze.

"What are you doing?" he asked bewildered as Arnav stood atop a ladder, tying a string of lights to a pillar.

"I'm putting the lights up."

"I know that! But why? There are so many workers here!"

"Yeah, well I thought I would help."

Vihaan almost appeared scandalized. "No, that's not necessary. Come down, let's go have tea."

Arnav didn't understand what the big deal was. "No, it's fine. Let me finish this-"

"RAMESH!!" Vihaan called.

A butler hurried across the hall.

"Finish putting up the lights," Vihaan instructed. "And they should be done by today. No excuses."

That was the end of Arnav's patience.

"What the hell man?" he asked irritated, when they made their way to have afternoon tea. "What is wrong if I put up some lights? It's not like I am doing anything important!"

"Exactly," Vihaan answered. "You are Alok Raj Gupta's son-in-law, you are not supposed to be doing these unimportant things."

"That's stupid! There is a wedding going on and trust me, I know how stressful that can be. I didn't sleep for two weeks when Lavanya got married last year. So, what's wrong if I help out?"

"You don't need to help-"

"Cut the crap Vihaan and tell me what's really going on! You guys don't let me do anything; it's freaking annoying! Am I not up to your standards or something?"

Vihaan was confused. "What do you mean? You are the son-in-law­ Arnav, Khushi's husband. We are supposed to make sure you are comfortable, not give you work."

Arnav couldn't believe what he was hearing. And yet, seeing the look of absolute seriousness in Vihaan's eyes, he understood that the latter was not joking. He really did believe that Arnav deserved some royal treatment just because he was married to the daughter of the house. How orthodox could they get?

As the days stretched on, Arnav couldn't help but notice Khushi too. Maybe he was overthinking it, but for whatever reason, she appeared much more reserved than usual. True, they never had a proper conversation back at his apartment and he never stayed around her to know how she behaved normally, but he could swear that her stance at the Gupta manor was always guarded. It was like she was treading on thin ice.

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