She followed, rubbing her hands tentatively together as she allowed her eyes to roam around the Milano.

"You have a nice ship," Allison complimented, watching as Peter shrugged and led her into a much more open room.

Rocket was the first to notice, waving to her before continuing pulling apart the mechanics of Peter's ship and remaking them into something better.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, yo! Ranger Rick! What are you doing?" Peter exclaimed, leaving Allison and rushing over to the animal. "You can't take apart my ship without asking me! See, what is this?"

He reached down to grab an odd looking item when Rocket spoke up, warning him. "Don't touch that, it's a bomb."

"A bomb?"

"Yup," Rocket replied bluntly, not looking up from his work station.

Allison sighed through a mixture of quiet laughs. She didn't know why, but she was finding the reaction funny, especially since she knew Rocket would be adding improvements to the Milano.

"And you leave it lying around?" Peter exclaimed, eyes wide as the glared at the raccoon.

"I was a gonna put it in a box."

Rocket pulled out a drawer, scavenging through it for one. "What's a box gonna do?" Peter watched him, not showing Allison any attention as she walked over, a tiny smile tugging at her lips.

"How about this one?" Rocket pulled out a thin one, it looking to be wrapped as a gift. The brightly coloured paper tracing out of a thin rectangular shape with a blue ribbon placed neatly on top.

Allison tilted her head, jumping slightly as Peter stepped forward, kicking the drawer shut again, the gift sliding away from view. "No! Whoa! Hey!"

"Why? What is it?"

"Leave it alone," Peter demanded, much more glad that it was away from his fellow escapee's eyes. Rocket scoffed, turning back to his work.

"What is that for, Rocket?" Allison asked politely as she bent down to be level with him. Peter stayed standing, still concerned about what things Rocket was changing and how bad or good of an impact they'd have.

Rocket grinned as he turned back to the ice demon. "That's for if things get really hardcore. Or if you wanna blow up moons."

"Ok, no one is blowing up moons," Allison said calmly, laughing lightly at the frown that formed on Rocket's face.

He went back to his workspace as Allison backed off, giving a small nod as a greeting to Gamora. The assassin surprisingly gave her a tiny smile in return.

Muttering something, Rocket stayed working as the others began to assemble around a hologram of a map, showing different destinations through space.

"So, listen, I'm gonna need your buyer's coordinates," Peter glanced over to Gamora, his hand tracing over the edge of the bench.

Gamora stepped forward, spinning the silver orb in her hands. That was something Allison remembered and recognised from before Frost took control over her. "We're heading in the right direction. For now."

The suspicion and lack of trust was evident in Gamora's voice, which Peter quickly recognised. "If we're gonna work together, you might try trusting me a little bit."

Gamora narrowed her eyes at the Star-Lord, him stepping closer to her. "And how much do you trust me?" she shot back.

Peter snatched the orb from he grasp as Allison joined them, watching both with curiosity. "I'd trust you a lot more if you told me what this was. Because I'm guessing it's some kind of weapon."

Gamora glanced over to Allison as Peter gently placed it back on the bench. It let out a faint ting as it collided with the metal bench.

Allison's expression changed to apologetic as her cool eyes met Gamora's. "Sorry, I agree with him."

Gamora sighed, turning back and resting her hands on the edge of the bench. "I don't know what it is," she admitted, watching closely as Drax also picked it up.

"If it's a weapon we should use it against Ronan," he suggested, reminding them of the only reason he was there.

"Put it down, you fool! You'll destroy us all," Gamora snarled, clenching her teeth at Drax.

"Or just you, murderess!" he snapped back.

"I let you live once, princess!"

"I am not a princess!"

"Hey! Nobody is killing anybody on my ship!" Peter yelled over them all, not taking notice of Allison walking around the bench and snatching the orb from Drax's grasp. The alien glared at her before looking back to Peter. "We're stuck together until we get the money!"

"Gosh! You guys are like children!" Allison groaned, throwing the orb up and letting it land in her other hand. "I feel like I have to send you two to timeout," She pointed to Gamora and Drax then Peter. "And him to his room or something."

Peter cracked a smile at her words, looking at the map to hide it.

Both Gamora and Drax separated after that, making Allison smile gratefully, murmuring a thank you.

"I have no interest in money," Drax snapped aggressively.

"Splendid," Allison shrugged, passing the most important thing on the ship to Peter. "More for us five."

"She has a point," Gamora admitted, casting a glance at Allison, who now was watching from over Peter's shoulder.

"We're partners, at least till we can sell the orb," she added, casting a smile at Groot as he joined them.

"We have an agreement," Gamora agreed reluctantly, turning a glare to Peter. "But I would never be partners with the likes of you," Peter inhaled, rolling his eyes at the green skinned assassin. "I'll tell the buyer we're on our way," she went to walk off, before pausing and glancing back to the owner of the ship. "And Quill, your ship is filthy."

Allison laughed lightly at her words, watching as she departed from the main room. With that Allison took a seat onto of the table, making sure not to crush anything important. She easily noticed the smirk rising on Peter's lips.

"What?" she questioned, swinging her legs gently.

"Oh she has no idea," he smirked, looking over to Rocket. "If I had a black light, the place would look like a Jackson Pollock painting."

Allison scrunched her nose up, confused at the name but having her suspicions on what it meant. Casting a glance at her animal friend, she saw the same look of disgust painted across his expression.

Peter felt himself regret saying it when he saw the look of disgust painted across Allison's pale but gorgeous features.

"You got issues, Quill."

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