Chapter One

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I was sitting in the living room, watching E! news for a lack of better things to do. I had to sit and pass time until six o'clock rolled around. That was the time that Blake was due to arrive after two years of filming.

Today was finally the day that I got to see my best friend, after two long years. Two years without our little sleepovers, without our matching Halloween costumes. It was almost like two years without my twin. Finally being able to reunite with him was the only thing I had been looking forward to since he had left.

"In recent news, Hollywoods Heartthrob Blake Roscoe is going home for the year," Guilianna's voice rang from the TV. "Roscoe has just finished filming the horror movie, the Undergrowth, and romantic comedy, Following the Wind, both due out this spring."

The camera has now focused on the big screen behind Guilianna, which had started playing an interview with Blake.

"Uh, yeah, I finally get to head home," he said, shining his perfect teeth. "It's been hard to have been gone for so long. I get to go back to school, I get to see my friends again. But overall, I'm most excited to see my best friend, Sophie." My face instantly lit up. It made me warm inside knowing that he was most excited to see me, before anybody. This may seem selfish, but it almost made me feel like I had him all to myself, which I was happy with because I loved to spend time with him.

As I continued to watch the interview, the aromatic smell of pizza wafted into my nose. Huh, I didn't realize mom brought home pizza. I watched the interview for another minute before letting my nose drag me away towards the kitchen.

As I approached, I heard voices. I immediately recognized two of them as my mother and brother, Ashton. When I heard the third voice, I froze. Could it be..?

I bolted the rest of the way up the stairs and around the corner as fast as I could. I dashed through the living room to get to the kitchen and I froze a soon as I entered the doorway.

There he was.

He was leaning back against the island, hands resting on the edge. His moppy black waves were just above his icy blue eyes. He was looking at my mom, laughing at whatever likely dumb joke she had just made. He made a remark back to her, but I was too distracted to hear what he actually said. I watched him for another moment before his devastating eyes met mine. His smile deepened as he stood up straight upon sight of me.

"Soph!" He said quietly, but happily.

I couldn't control the smile that was growing on my face by the second. "Blake." It came out almost inaudibly.

We stood like that, just staring at each other, for a few minutes, as if we were the only ones that existed. As if my mom and brother weren't just feet away from us. Just us and the world.

After what felt like an eternity, I urged my feet forwards and into Blake's waiting embrace. I wrapped my arms around his torso, testing my head on his chest. He was a solid five inches taller than me. He was 5"10', I was 5"5'.

I inhaled his scent, which was indescribable. Just being in his embrace; I've missed it more than ever. These were the arms that would  comfort when I was upset and that would make all of my worries go away. We stayed into each others arms for what felt like forever, but was probably just a minute in reality.

I tilted my head upwards to gaze at my best friend. I took in the subtle changes in his feature. He had a five o'clock shadow going on; he is usually clean shaved all of the time. But then again, he has been busy with travel and probably hasn't had time.

I was just extremely happy I finally got to see Blake.

My eyes began to swell with joyous tears.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2019 ⏰

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