"I know that! I just want you to be healthy and not drop dead on me. After mom passing away, you're the only family that I have left. I don't want to lose you as well."

"I'm not dying anytime soon, Mer." Courtney said, smiling. "Look, we might need to start doing things a bit different. With mom dying and you almost gone too, I've done some thinking. Well, what if we aren't overly involved in each other's lives? I will stop butting in everywhere and pretending that I know better. You'll then be transparent with me and won't keep things from me. I'm guessing that we're making up for the fact that mother never did all those things, but at the end of the day we're sisters and not each other's mothers."

Before Meredith had anytime to agree, Izzie bursted into Courtney's bedroom. She had stormed into Meredith's first, but had only found Derek fast asleep. "Alex is moving into this house?" Earlier, she had been taking a shower and found out about Alex' move while getting out of the shower and running into him.

"He's taking George's room."

"Why? What's wrong with where he was living before?" Izzie asked, looking specifically at Courtney.

"He had some problems with his landlord and asked if he could move in. Since George is out the house, why not put the room to use?" Courtney replied, looking at an annoyed Izzie.

"I can't have him living in the room next door, it's weird."

"People are what matters. Alex is one of our people, we can't leave him out in the cold," Meredith said, earning a weird look from the two blondes. Courtney had thought that her overprotective and kind nature had only applied to her, but apparently the others got to recieve a little part of Meredith's overprotectiveness. Izzie was already wondering if this had something to do with their mother. "No, I had a near death whatever...I was dead and now I'm not so...I'd like to use this chance I've been given to be more positive. People are what matters. Paint with all the colors of the wind."

"Alright then, Pocahontas, why don't you go give some of that kindness to your boyfriend. He might be missing you," Courtney laughed and gave Meredith a push. The latter got of the bed and waved the two blondes goodbye. "And Izzie, just deal with it? Alex moving in is not the end of the world. Get used to it, because he's not going anywhere anytime soon."



"Come on? What if I beg really, really nicely?"

"Izzie, we're not changing our mind."


Courtney was standing near the stairs, gathered with a group of others outside a conference room, trying to peek inside. She had heard from a couple of sources that the Chief was gathering with a possible new candidate for Chief. She pretended not to be interested at first, but the gnawing feeling of curiousness didn't go away. To satisfy the feeling, she had (sort of) neglected her duties and decided to go see who might be leading the surgery wing of the hospital. The blinds of the room were up and nobody could see anything, building up the suspense. People were whispering to each other, coming up with theories of who it could possibly be.

Izzie then walked up, curious about Bailey's whereabouts, until she saw the big crowd. "Uh, checking out the new chief candidate." George explained, not making eye contact with the girl. He was still mad at her for being quite rude to Callie and the comments about his marriage. Meredith then went on to stay that they had been quite subtle at peeking in, but that all got ruined once more people started staying.

"I heard it was someone from Stanford. All the professors there loved me." Cristina boasted, straightening her shoulders.

"They loved you?"

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