District 14 and 2 pov

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Aaron woke up and got dressed into a t-shirt with jeans and red vans. He walked out and there sat everyone at the table.
"Glad, your awake,"says mr.Gulavo.
He gave a slight nod before sitting down and eating breakfast.
"Today is the day where you meet the other tributes," says Allison.
The sister and brother nods.
"Happy smile, positive look and act scary," instructs Thomas.
"Will do sir," says Aaron.
The train stopped as everyone finished breakfast.
The two sibling exited the bus. They walked through doors which led to a room full of people.
I immediately noticed a black haired girl talking to a blonde hair man. He was fairly built but Aaron was built better.
I approached them with my sister trailing.
"My name is Aaron and this is Melissa were from district 14," Aaron says as he approachs the two.They both turn around and smile. Aaron took a look at the girl and decided she was the one.
"Names Clove, that's Cato, we're both from district 2," says the girl.
"Where's district 1," asks Melissa?
"Their over there talking to their mentors," Cato points towards a blonde haired girl and light brown haired that was spiked guy.
The girl looked about 5'7 and the boy stood at 6'3.
"Glimmer and Marvel," says Clove.
"Wow...," Melissa says.
Aaron made  eye contact with Clove who smiled. Aaron gave a smile back.
Cloves third person pov
She looked at the boy who stood I front of her.
He's cute...
The boy looked cloves way, in which Clove gave a smile and Aaron returned one.
"Look, District 1," points out Cato.
Glimmer and Marvel walked their way.
"Howdy, victors, what's your ol names," says Marvel.
"District 14," Clove says.
Marvel and Glimmer gave a short curt nod.
"Let's figure things out, First Weapons," says Glimmer.
Clove look at Aaron astonished.
"A-a b-broadsword," stumbles Clove.
"Yeah, I can do any weapon I just prefer the Broadsword best," Aaron says as he folds his arms over his chest.
"Training star in one minute please make your way to the obstacle course," says a voice over speakers.
The group made their way to the obstacle Cousy.
Marvel went first. He got a score of 36 seconds.
Glimmer ran next and got 45 seconds.
Cato sprinted through the corse but stumbling with his balance which slowed his time, he got 35 seconds. 
Clove went after him and she got a score of 17.54 sec.
Melissa went and got a score of 1min and 24.78 seconds.
It was Aaron's turn. As soon as the buzzer went and zipped through the course doing flips, backflip, front summers adult, side flip, he finished with a time of 6 secs.
Everyone stood surprised, even the trainers.
Aaron approached the group and he didn't have a single drop of sweat on him.
"Wha-how," says Glimmer.
"Used to it, I get competitive at everything," Aaron says.
The careers watched all the other tributes do the obstacle course.
Meanwhile, Aaron's hand brushed against Clove which made the two blush.
The district twelve boy fell off the bars and the career pack laughed.
A girl whispered into the boys ear while taking glances at the career pack.
"Oi! Twelve take a picture it'll last longer," shouts Aaron.

The group snickered. The male boy picked up a weight, which was 100lbs. He threw it and it knocked down the spears on the rack. Aaron looked up angrily. 

"Showoff, Motherfucker," He mumbles to the group. 

"Maybe we can use him to hunt down the girl if it comes to that," suggest Marvel. 

Aaron took a deep breath before agreeing still pissed. 

"Bro, calm down," says Melissa. 

Clove walks behind the boy and hugs him from behind. In an instant the boys body relaxed. 

"T-thanks," he mumbles.

Clove smiled.

Cloves 3rd pov.

The girl smiled thinking she finally met the right one. 

She approached her mentor and asked if another district can sleep in another districts room. 

"for what reason," questions her mentor. 

"I dont know, I guess I wanna spend more time with the district 14 boy," she sighs. 

The mentor thought about it and agreed. 

Clove smiled and hugged her mentor before reapproaching the group. 

"Hey, Aaron can I talk to you privately," she asks the boy. 

"O-of c-course," he stutters in response. 

Clove led him to the otherside of the training room.

"My mentors okay with it, and if yours is too, I would like you to live in my district," she spills.

Aaron stands there thinking. 

"C-Clove, I-Uh...

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