District 14

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Aaron's pov(district 2 is where they comstruct buildings)
I come from district 14 where we make weapons, so were called weaponry. Were one of the wealthiest districts with a special academy where we train for the games. My dads the president of District 14, so you may think i have a perfect life, right? Well, dont judge a book by its cover. I have a hard life, My dad forces me too be the perfect son. while, my sister gets all the attention.I stood in the crowd with the rest of the seventeen year olds. I glanced around trying to find my dad, o spot him speaking to Mr.Gulavo the one who draws the names. 

He glances in my direction and I look away. 

"Hey, Devil," calls a voice.
I look in the direction to see my best friend, Travis Gorelo.
"Hey, bud,"I replie.
"You,excited,"he asked?
"Hell, yeah, I think everyone here is excited," I say loudly and the group of seventeen year olds cheer.
Being picked for the hunger games was an honour, this year if my name wasn't called Ill volunteer for whoever. I can use any weapon but I'm best with a broadsword and dagger.
"Welcome, to the annual seventy-fourth hunger games," says mr. Gulavo.
We cheered, shouted and screamed.
"As usual, ladies first," he says and walks over to the ladies bowl.
I shot a glance at Travis, he just stood there.
"Melissa Lucan," he shouts into the mic.
I stood there mouth hanging open.
She's only thirteen.
It was silent and people either turned their heads to the girl or to me.
I prayed someone volunteers.
No one volunteered.
Anger grew in my eyes as she walked onto stage.
Mr.Gulavo walks over to the boys bowl and draws a name.
"Travis Gorelo," he says into the mix.
I looked at my dad who nods.
"I VOLUNTEER,!" I shout.
"Very, well," says Mr.Gulavo.
I walk up stage and stand beside my sister.
"Your name," asked Mr. Gulavo.
"Aaron Lucan," I say.
"Well, sister and brother," says mr. Gulavo.
The crowd whistles and shouts.
"People, of district fourteen I give you the tributes of the annual seventy-fourt hunger games," he announces.
Everyone disbanded.
We were escorted to a room.
In walked my dad and Travis.
"I'm proud of you my children, I wish you lick," says my dad softly.
"Aaron, get a broadsword and Melissa get your hands on a bow, if there isn't a bow make one, you'll have Aaron and the other careers to help you," says Travis.
Melissa smiles.
"Aaron, watch your sister, show the game makers what you can do, they only want a good show," Travis exhales softly.
"It can't be that bad this year right,?," I ask.
Dad and Travis looked at each other. I raised an eyebrow.
"You'll be fine, I've made a deal with the game makers," says dad.
I smile broke onto mine and my sisters lips.
"Time to go," said a peacekeeper.
We both stood up and followed the peacekeepers to the train.
We step on and there stands Mr.Gulavo and 2 other people, a male, and a girl.
"Lucans my name is Thomas and this is Allison, we will be your mentors," Thomas greets.
We nod.
They led us to a table.
"First, allies," says Alison.
"Career pack, which consists of district 1,2, 4,14 and two other people from a different districts," says Melissa.
"Correct, so what weapons do you guys use," asks Thomas?
"Very good weapons,"Says Thomas.
We nod.
Dinner was served and we ate.
I grabbed a good portion and ate in silent.
What if I find my love?
"Aaron,"calls the voice. I turn my head to the direction.
I see Thomas giving me a worried look.
"Are you okay,"asks my sister.
"Y-yeah, I'm fine,"I breath.
"Okay, well we will be arriving in the Capitol soon, so get some sleep," says Mr.Gulavo.
I nod and trudge to my room.

I made the picture.
I took different photos and combined them on photoshop.

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