Chapter Eight: The Quarry

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Richie stretched his long limbs and checked the time. It was 4:15. Richie jumped up and grabbed his backpack. He was about to open the front door when someone knocked, scaring Richie.

  Richie opened the door to reveal a small boy staring up at him.

  "Hi Richie," Eddie smiled.
  "Hi Eddie! What are you doing here?" Richie questioned.
  "I thought maybe we could ride down to the Quarry together," Eddie said shrinking in on himself and a light blush crossing his face.

  Richie smiled and stepped outside shutting his front door. Tozier didn't know what came over him but before he knew it he had wrapped his arms around Eddie. Eddie seemed taken aback at first but then fell into Richie. Their bodies fit together like two puzzle pieces.

  Finally Richie pulled away from the sweet embrace they had shared.

  "Last one to the Quarry is a rotten egg!" Richie yelled.

  Eddie giggled as he ran to his bike and took off after Richie. The two boys were laughing and yelling at one another the whole way. The time went by quickly as they had finally reached the Quarry. The rest of their friend group was already in the water splashing and screaming.

  It didn't take long for the two boys to join in with the shouting and splashing. For the first time they all really felt happy. None of them would admit it but they'd be lost without eachother. They were almost thankful for that menacing clown. Although he tormented and scared them, they wouldn't be so close if they hadn't shared such trauma.

  After about and hour or so everyone got hungry and Richie distributed the snacks he brought. Everyone was was calm and happy. Until they heard loud rumbling in the distance and dark clouds began drawing near. They all hurried and said their goodbyes as they all rushed to their bikes hoping to beat the storm.

  However Richie stayed put in his spot. He hadn't even noticed the pair of dark brown eyes that were focused on him. Richie sat quietly watching lightening dance across the sky and the singing of thunder. He found it to be calming and he enjoyed watching storms. Eddie cleared his throat. This startled Richie causing him to jump.

   "How many damn times are you going to scare me today?" Richie squeaked.

  Eddie smiled and shook his head at the tall boy. Eddie walked over and sat next to Richie. They both enjoyed watching the approaching storm in a comfortable silence. A while later the boys decided to go their separate ways. Hugging once again. This made their hearts skip a beat but they'd never tell.

Candy Pumpkins (Richie + Eddie)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن