First meeting

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Swagger/Eric- You both were on your ways to a local 4/20 celebration. It was relatively early in the morning, around 9:30-ish. Just as you were finally reaching your destination, he bumped into you really hard by accident and as you were falling he picked you up. He kept frequently apologizing even after you told him not to. You ended up telling him that the only way that he can truly be sorry is if he hangs out with you for the day.

Zuckles/Mason- You were getting a drink at Starbucks when a very loud Australian man and his American friend had entered. You laughed at his dorkiness and he noticed, which made him blush a little. Your drink had just been called when you saw what appeared to be a shirtless homeless man in a metal helmet enter and bear hug the Australian. You had to laugh, it was almost uncontrollable. As he saw this, he smirked and sparked up a fake fight.

"Oi cunt! Yee fookin laughing at may?!" You laughed at his accent and he smiled. The rest of the day consisted of you and those three acting like idiots and exploring the town.

Fitz/Cameron- You were on your computer, playing some CS:GO, enjoying your time until you heard a voice yell: "YOU HAVE TO APOLOGIZE TO SOCIETY. THIS IS HOW IT WORKS!" And another voice say "You literally told me to say it!" and you listened to their in-game argument, not knowing the source of it until a very deep voice say calmly: "You gotta chill and stop being racist, my nigga." and at this you died completely.

"Aw shit I think I killed whoever that was." the voice said again.

After hours of playing, you got a little comfortable with the one who introduced himself as Cam.

McCreamy/Jay- You were just chilling under an apple tree in a spot that you found during freshmen year. You had your bluetooth speaker playing some Billie Eilish and Doja Cat until you heard some footsteps. You looked up and saw a man just creepily staring at your face and you jumped, screeching. The man laughed his ass off and put his hand out for you to shake.

"My names Jay, that was fucking hilarious." You shook his hand then blushed, punching him in the arm.

Tobyonthetele/Toby- You were looking for specifically pink things to decorate your new room and so you went to a couple of stores but had zero luck. For some reason, you found yourself at a sex shop after all of the searching only to be met with the most immature group of guys you could have ever seen. They were playing with the model toys as a joke, treating it as if it were funnier than it really was. One stood out to you in particular though, he was definitely more of an introvert. Very shy kinda guy. You walked past them, just trying to browse.

"Ahh yeah.. Hey lady! Would you use this?" a very tall American man asked you. It was the cutest pink dildo with flowers on it. You had to have it.

"Hell yeah." With that you grabbed it and made your way to the register, leaving the man in astonishment. The one that stood out to you was dying of laughter when he walked up and asked for your Instagram. You guys started texting thats same day.

iNoToRiOuS/Matt- You were just smoking some reefer
when a tall man approached you.

"Mind if I hit that?" He asked. He looked to be in desperate need for some weed, so of course you let him. His response was getting high almost immediately. You both got high and had the funniest time together.

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