"Hah! Chip, very funny," She rolled her eyes, "I'd like to see Potter try to punish me. He's too busy worrying about our shitty reserve beaters to even notice I'm gone."

Andy eventually bounced back out the door, skipping joyfully, as if she was sure of their future victory. Charlie and Chip went to their respective dorms to put on some warmer clothes before leaving. Charlie shrugged his leather jacket over his red sweater. He had to make sure he was sporting some Gryffindor colors, or else Andy would come for his head. He can remember the last time he went to her Quidditch game against Ravenclaw, and he accidentally wore a blue jacket. Andy didn't talk to him for the rest of the day.

He retied his shoe laces before grabbing a pair of gloves and jumping down the stairs to meet Chip. His wand was tucked in his waistband, having just been used for a small warming charm before they left.

"Who's your bet on?" Chip asked slyly. Slytherin and Gryffindor were evenly matched in talent this year, making the whole school eager to watch the game. 

"Gryffindor, for the sole reason that Andy physically refuses to let them lose." Charlie responded, scrunching his nose up as the cold wind bit against his face. Finn met up with the two in the stands, having saved a couple of seats from entitled first years for them.

 Charlie settled down against the cold wood seats, laughing as Chip scoots closer to him, trying to leech body heat off of him. He wrapped an arm around her shoulder, squinting to see the players warm up through the slight snowfall that had just begun. The game was set to start in the next ten minutes, and the last of the spectators were filing in.

He watched as Andy flew circles around one of the Gryffindor beaters, taunting him for some reason or another, laughing whenever he launched the bludger she swiftly dodged. Charlie pondered the thought that he really ought to take Lauren to a Quidditch game at some point. 

She's always been extremely competitive, just like her brothers. The Atkinsons have been known to yell at the referees or at the television during a football game once or twice. Or multiple times.

Regardless, Lauren has been asking to try a flying broom for the longest time. Charlie made a mental note to ask Andy to bring hers along when she came to visit next summer.

He heard the announcer, some fifth year Ravenclaw, make a statement about the referees getting set up and players shaking hands, and soon after heard a bell toll, commencing the game.

Immediately, there were blurs of red and green shooting across the pitch. To the normal eye, it would be extremely hard to deduce what was happening, but the students were used to watching a fast paced Quidditch game.

"Excuse me, sorry,"

"Seriously, dude?"

"Watch out!"

"God, I said sorry," Peter Pettigrew gave up his attempts to be tactful and shoved his way through the front of crowded stadium, plopping down near Charlie with a grin, "Quidditch fans, am I right? Insane, the whole lot of them."

"Or, you could have walked around the back, so you weren't blocking their view," Remus emerged from behind the crowd, a small smile gracing his lips. "Just a thought."

"Whatever," Peter mumbled, his eyes locking on the players on the field.

Remus took the empty seat right beside Charlie, greeting both him and Chip, to which they both responded happily.

(Charlie tried to ignore the way Chip shoved her elbow into his rib cage, wiggling her eyebrows at him and Remus.)

The game flew by. The score was 110-60, with Slytherin in the lead. Fouls were called what seemed like every play, from simple holding players or people throwing hexes at their opponents. Things were finally getting interesting.

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