~Chapter 8~ |The Illness|

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⚠Warning⚠ Cursing


Felix blushed and hid his face in his hands. I smiled warmly. He's so cute!
"Ooh~" Mugman said.
"Mugs, let them hit on each other in peace." Cuphead joked. I was clearly dying inside now and started laughing. Cuphead smiled.
"CUPPY'S IN LOVE~" Mugman teased.
"AND MUGS LIKES CALA MARIA!" Cuphead fired back. Mugman blushed madly and stopped teasing Cuphead. "That's what I thought." Cuphead mumbles. I realized something.
"Wait, you didn't deny it, is it true?" I asked. Cuphead blushes and pulled his coat collar up to hide his face.
"Fuck you Mugs." Cuphead mumbles.
"You still love me."
"I love to hate you." He said smiling maliciously. I laugh while Mugman pouts.
"BURN!" I heard Felix yell. Suddenly, he gags. "I-I'll be right back." He said quickly as he dashed to the bathroom. I heard him vomit something up.
"I-Is he okay?" Mugman said with panic in his voice.
"Yeah, food poisoning or something." I lie. I was also really concerned, I didn't want them to panic though.

Felix's P.O.V.

I barfed up ink and blood into the toilet. I-I got the ink illness! I flushed the toilet. I looked in the mirror. I had fur sticking off of my head in all directions and I had bags under my eyes. I slept well last night, why do I have bags under my eyes? Then I realize. Y/N has bags under her eyes, Bendy had bags under his eyes, and now, me. I walked out of the bathroom with my head down.
"Are feeling better Felix?" Y/N asked. I want to tell her the truth! Just, not yet. I actually felt like shit at the time.
"Yeah, just some slight food poisoning, I'll live." I lie, trying to signal them not to worry. Cuphead shrugs and goes back to doing what he was doing while Mugman was relieved to see me okay. I slumped over and walked over to the couch with sluggishness. I put my hand on my face to ponder. Cuphead stared at me like I was a stranger in his house.
"I-I'm feeling better, can we go get Bendy and Boris?" I offer trying to sound enthusiastic.
"Sure!" Y/N said as she opened the door. "I'll go get them!" She said as she left. It was just us guys in a room together.

Y/N P.O.V.

I walk outside and see Bendy hanging his ink-soaked shirt on a clothes rack outside.
"Hey Bendy! We were thinking about leaving soon, you up for it?"
"Yeah, just let me pack my stuff.." He trailed off pointing at the door behind him. I look at his bare chest and blush. I've never seen a guy's chest before,
"Like what you see~" He flirted.
"N-No! I mean, I do! Y-You look nice! J-just not like that!" I ramble. He starts to laugh.
"I was just joking, JEEZ! Anyway, are you and Felix a thing?" He said resting his arm on my shoulder. I wasn't short but a wasn't tall either. I was a few inches taller then Bendy and a few inches shorter then Boris. I was about Felix's height.
"I don't know yet, we might be, it's all up to him." I say pulling Bendy's hand off my shoulder.
"How can someone not hook up with someone as beautiful as you~?" I giggle. Suddenly, I hear yelling from the hotel room.
"See ya, short-stuff~" I say ruffling his hair/horns. He frowned. I laugh and walked away, swaying my hips.


I felt kinda jealous that Felix and Y/N are a couple now. As Mugaman blurted out, I kinda like that girl.
"So uh, how'd you know it was food poisoning? Could you taste it?" Mugs asked.
"Yeah, it tasted funny at first, then it started to TEAR APART MY INSIDES and then I was okay-ish." Felix said emphasizing the words: tear apart my insides.
"Can the ink illness spread on contact?" Felix asked out of the blue.
"How the hell would I know!?" I say crossing my arms.
"You did carry Bendy several times, do you have it?" Felix asked scanning my appearance from head to toe.
"No. I don't have it. How could you hide it? You're vomiting constantly." I said as I huffed afterward. Felix looked down for a minute. I finally put two and two together.
"You have the illness!" I shout. He looks up with eyes widened.
"Okay, maybe I do! Don't tell Y/N!" Felix said hiding his face with his hands.
"Why not!? You told us!"
"No I didn't! You deducted yourself!"
As I was about to deny, the door and and revealed Y/N standing there.

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