~Chapter 2~ |Warmth|

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Y/N P.O.V.

I walked beside Felix while Sheba gave me a weird look. She stared at Felix and smirked. She winked at me and shoved Felix into my arms. I blushed madly and froze. Felix's head was buried into my breasts. The hell? He stood there also frozen. I glared daggers at Sheba and she mouthed 'Your welcome'. I finally saw through her plan. She ships me and Felix! He's cute and all but, he's my idol! Why would I date him? Unless.. My thoughts were cut off with Felix pushing off of me. His hands were gentle as they were sweaty. He does! I didn't want to try to confront him about it so I pretended like that whole scene never happened.

Felix's P.O.V.

The girl I "saved" at the restaurant, Y/N, must have something to do with the fact that Sheba purposely pushed me into her. Wait a minute...
"Sheba." I whisper.
"Yes, sugar?"
"What was that whole thing about?"
"You like her!"
"Yeah, she's nice." She face-palms.
" No! Not like that! You looove~ her! " I blush at the sudden outburst.
"I want my ship to sail! " I glance at Y/N. She was observing her surroundings, not paying attention to us at all.
"EEEE! YOU DO LIKE HER!" She squealed. Y/N stared at us. She must have heard! I mentally face-palm and wonder what she will say. I prepare myself.
"What are you guys talking about?" Oh, that's not TOO bad.
"We were talking about having crushes on fictional characters!" I try to say normally.
"Oh. You guys are into fandom?"
"Oh hell yes! " Sheba starts and winks at me. I mouth 'I owe you one'.

(Time skip brought to you by Cuphead's FLOOFY hair)

Y/N P.O.V.

We arrived at Felix's house. OMG! HIS HOUSE IS BETTER THEN I IMAGINED! I flopped on the couch and Sheba flopped with me.
"So, do you like Felix?"

Felix's P.O.V.

Oh no. She's having that talk with her! I watch intently as it all unfolds.
"I know THAT! I mean like more."
" Like.. "
" That's what you were talking about? "
"Yup! Felix has Feelix for you!" Badoom Clap.
" ? "
"He. LOOOVES~. You!" Y/N blushes as a response.
"Wait. You pushed us into each other for the purposes of shipping?"
"Clever girl."
" You never answered my question. "
"Maybe. I don't know yet."
" I'll make it happen " Sheba whispers.
"SHEBA!" Y/N yells, playfully shoving Sheba. She noticed she yelled and nervously looks around. I pretend I just walked in and didn't hear anything.
"What's the matte-"
"NOTHING!" Y/N yells blushing.
"O-okay then."
" I can make dinner for you!" She offers.
"You don't have to."
" I would LOVE to cook for my idol! " She says. Damn, she is stubborn. She walks into the kitchen with her tail swaying. I can't look away!
"Take a picture, it'll last longer." Sheba teased.
"SHEBA!" I yell blushing at that fact she caught me staring.
" You really are in love. "
"Did you have to tell her though?"
"She likes you back dude! This ship will sail, I know it will!"

Heya! Author-chan here! I know Bendy and the group aren't in here yet, but I promise they will be eventually. Sheba is one shipper (Idk)! She WILL make that ship sail.
Bye Fam ~

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