Sorrowful Successors

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After days of walking to Wind Nights Lot we finally make it along the way Zeppeli taught me a dangerous Hamon transformation called "Hamon Berserk Overdrive" he said only to use it when there's no other way and Zeppeli attempted to teach Speedwagon some Hamon but it failed and then we ran into a boy named Poco he lead us to a graveyard where we found Dio and he summoned zombies form the ground.
"This way Joestars!"
The Baron hits his way through the zombies while Jonathan Speedwagon and I protect Poco. Baron and Dio stand off as Jonathan and I find a place for Poco to safety stay.
"Hey Bambino!"
We hear Zeppeli in the background yelling at Dio.
Zeppeli charges at Dio hitting his arm with Hamon but Dio froze his arm freezing Zeppelis arm as well.
"Mr. Zeppeli!"
"Calm down Johanna my dear this will be over soon and we live as king and queen of this world!"
Before Dio punches Baron Jonathan blocks the punch with his hand.
Dio separates from them and summons two men one humongous and one with long hair. As Jonathan fights Blueford as I fight Tarukus. This guy is hard to fight!
"Come on little girl!" He hits me and I get flight against a pillar.
Something hits Tarukus my vision is blurry but I can hear the voice of Dio.
"Not her! You get Jojo! She's my wife!"
I black out for a little bit then I wake up to Jonathan carrying me and Poco and making a kite from dead leaves. Think we got away safely Tarukus he rips the kite forcing us to land at a near my knight training temple. Tarukus climbs the wall to reach us so Jonathan and I carefully walk in the temple with Poco behind us. "Jojo! Johanna! Watch out!"
Something wraps around our necks and carries us.
"Caught you good!"
He has one on his neck also. He carries us into the air! "Jojo....I can't....breath...."
"The way to get out is the rip other the others head!"
Our heads hit the ceiling and I can hear Jonathan trying to breath. The light is fading away all I can think about is Giorno. I can't let him live out me I can hear Jonathan calling my name but I can't answer. I can't feel my body. Jojo I'm sorry I can't hold on much longer I let go of the collar and let myself hang. I can still hear Jonathan yelling my name.
.....I'm tired just let me rest my eyes for a little bit.....
I slowly wake up to Zeppeli standing in front Tarukus. Jonathan helps me up and I regain conciseness but we soon get flung into the air and Baron has the chain wrapped around his stomach.
Jonathan and I hit the ceiling again. The more Tarukus pulls on the chain the more Jonathan and I choke and the more tighter the chain gets around Zeppelis stomach. At last he pulls hard enough for Jonathan and I to throw up blood and the chain cuts Zeppeli in half.
We fall to the ground and Jonathan is unconscious.
"Jojo wake up!"
Tarukus walks up to us and I hold Jonathan in my arms. "Jonathan please wake up!" I feel Jonathan's heartbeat fading away then I stops.
"Jojo? Jojo?!? JOJO! JONATHAN!"
Tears fall down my eyes as I try to find a pulse.
Tarukus holds his hand out to me.
"Come Wife of Lord Dio. He has asked for you presence."
I look at Jonathan then the Baron then Speedwagon.
"Don't do it Johanna!"
"....Forgive me Speedwagon..."
I reach of his hand but Jonathan stops me.
Tarukus grabs the chain and I see Zeppeli reach for Jonathan's hand and I help him while I hold his hand.
"Freely I give this to you two! Take it and make it yours!
I feel a huge amount of Hamon being given to Jonathan and I.
"Ultimate Deep Pass Overdrive!"
I fall to the ground I've never felt this much Hamon. Jonathan and I yell from all the Hamon power we felt. So much power ripped mine and Jonathan's shirt off. Thank god I had an undershirt.
Zeppelis hair turned white and he laid lifeless on the ground.
"Joestars I have passed on my Hamon. Life your lives..."
"Baron Zeppeli!"
Before Tarukus stomps on Baron's lifeless body Jonathan and I grab the chain and lift Tarukus I to the air and he stepped on the chain so it doesn't move.

Jonathan and I start to pull the collar off our necks.
"You fools even I couldn't rip apart those things even with all the power Lord Dio gave me!" Jonathan and I manage to rip the things off our necks. Tarukus falls to the ground and starts to move away from us as we walk towards him. Tarukus tries to hit him with his arm but Jonathan blocks it and he tries to him me with a chain but I grab it and hold onto it tight and wrap it around his arm and I send Hamon while Jonathan cuts his arm with Hamon. I drop the chain grab my hammer and stand next to him. "Ready brother!" "Ready sister!" We charge at Tarukus and Jonathan hits his head and I hit his stomach.
Jonathan kicks him in the air throws me into the air filling my hammer with Hamon.
"Batter up!"
I hit him with the my might and he melts before he hits the ground.
After that we run to the Baron and I start crying as Speedwagon covers me with his coat.
"How can we live without your wisdom? Without your guidance?"
"Joestars you must pull yourselves together you know what lies ahead...."
Speedwagon hugs me as Zeppeli takes his last breath.
Jonathan burns his body as I look for spare clothing in my backpack.
We walk our way to the village I hold Jonathan's hand in fear at what I witnessed. He looks so different as if the shutters were drawn on his soul.
"....I wanna go home...."
Jonathan stops walking and hugs me.
"It's gonna be alright...I'm here for you and I'll always be here for you...."
"I miss Father...I miss my Giorno....I wanna go home...."
Jonathan wipes my tears away and kisses my forehead.
"When this is all over we can rest easily and you and Giorno can have normal lives."
"Oi Jonathan Johanna Dio was swanning about saying he'd turn the whole town into zombies by tomorrow night. Is Wind Knight Lot Alice or undead?"
We keep walking and we bump into a guy that Poco knew. He told us that Poco's sister was furious and that she'd ran his hide. We continue walking Jonathan stops next to Poco and I.
"Jojo what's wrong?"
He suddenly grabs a long tongue that almost hit Poco and I. Jonathan stomps on it's head fulling it with Hamon.
"Damn it we're too late!"
A soft yet tough voice comes from behind.
"That is correct."
A huge man walks to us explaining that the zombies beat us to the town. Jonathan and I stand in front of Speedwagon and Poco.
"My name is Dire!"
Dire jumps in the air about to hit Jonathan. He blocks it but then Dire does a split before he hits Jonathan it hit Dire with my hammer hitting him away from Jonathan.
"You crazy woman!"
I ready my hammer again and Jonathan powers his fist with Hamon.
"Wait please Jonathan and Johanna Joestar I am human. Please forgive me I wanted to see how well Zeppeli trained you two."
"Did you say Zeppeli?!?"
"You heard correctly I am a dear friend of your mentor."
Another man shows up with long black hair.
"That is true. Hello my name is Straizo please read this."
We see a letter written by Baron Zeppeli and they introduce us to Master Tonpetty. We explained everything that as happened and how if they arrived sooner Mr Zeppelis fate would've been the same. We have to defeat Dio before he does anything more harm to anyone else. Dio....Jonathan and I are coming after you and when we see you I can't wait to rip your head off your body!

Johanna Joestar The Twin Sister of Jonathan JoestarWhere stories live. Discover now