Capella collapsed onto the ground, looking traumatized, and tore apart the vines clutching Komodo, which seemed to have wrapped itself around Komodo. The Kelpie's neck was twisted in an impossible position, which made Komodo want to puke. "Let's help Ace," Capella declared, with a sudden burst of confidence.

     Ace rose into the air, followed by the black dragon, who glared at him in fury. They clashed in the skies, Ace blocking attacks. The black dragon was too strong, and Ace was forced to go on the defensive. The black dragon pinned one of Ace's wing backwards, and shredded it with his claws as the crimson dragon roared in pain, blood dripping down his side.

     Capella flapped her wings, apparently trying to replicate her flying display from earlier. She saw the obsidian dragon grab Ace's neck in his jaws, about to deliver a death blow. Capella scooped Komodo onto her head and he clutched her horn. She flung her head towards the skies, giving him a boost as he flapped his wings. Komodo latched himself onto the dragon's face, and he clawed at his left eye.

     "AGH!" the midnight dragon roared in pain, holding his talons against his eye where Komodo had slashed him. His eye had a long, gushing scratch mark that was dripping blood down his battle-worn face. Ace plummeted to the ground, eyes wide as he stretched his claws towards his sky as if trying to grab something to stop his fall. His undamaged wing flapped desperately as he began to free fall through the sky.

     Capella ran, flinging herself under Ace a the last second as she cushioned his fall with her feathery wings. He rolled to the ground with a groan, clutching the grass as blood pooled around him.

     Nightfall swung his massive claws at Komodo, with careless accuracy, and one caught Komodo in the stomach, sending him flying out of breath towards the ground. He flung his wings out at the last second, lightening on the ground and trying to regain his breath.

     Nightfall whirled around, lunging down in fury with hatred in his eyes towards the first enemy he saw- Capella.

     He spiraled down with gaining speed, pressing his wings to the side like a torpedo, looking more like a jet-black blur than a dragon. He soared towards her with terrifying speed, reaching his claws forwards, which now seemed to be swirling with a black dust.

     Capella stood her ground, and then blocked his talons with her horn. She was drove into the ground, holding her horn against the dragon's claws. She suddenly screamed in pain, the spots where the black dust was touching feeling like it was being burnt. Capella leaped away, breathing harshly as blood dribbled down the sides of her head.

     She charged, stabbing her horn into the dragon's stomach before he could regain his composure. She felt a strange energy rush through her and flinched. It seemed to gather at her horn...

     Suddenly the dragon went flying backwards into the sturdy trunk of a large oak, his wings flung to his sides as he held his stomach with a look of hatred in his eyes. A glowing white light spider-webbed across his front from the wound and he screeched in pain.

     Casting one last horrifying glare, he turned, blinking back to pain, and flung himself into the air. "You have made a strong enemy, Capella!" he roared threateningly. "Don't be surprised when you find your heart pierced by my claws!"

     Nightfall turned, fleeing with powerful wing beats, and Capella couldn't be bothered to chase him. She could only sigh in relief as the adrenaline left her body and she went limp.

     Capella collapsed to the ground, drained of any and all energy, her wings softening her fall as she slid onto the grass. She breathed harshly, the wound on her head gushing blood.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2019 ⏰

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