Chapter Four | Girls Like You

Start from the beginning

He shrugged. "It comes and it goes. Madam Pomphrey said another minute and I could've lost my arm. Couldn't possibly do any homework for weeks."

   Hermione was going to object but decided better of it. Let him have his moment of glory. All he sought was the attention anyway. No use in giving him what he so desired. But she wasn't the only one who was irritated by Malfoy's presentation. Ron looked disgusted, or rather, annoyed. "He's really laying it on thick, isn't he?"

"Mhm." Hermione replied and buried her nose in her mug.

"You don't have any input, Hermione?"

Hermione shrugged and downed the mug then wiped her lips. "He's just being an idiot, as usual." Ron looked skeptical but nodded.

   A few minutes later, Hermione glanced back at Malfoy, who seemed to be enjoying all of the extra attention, and the pity. It was rather disgusting really. Hermione didn't understand why someone would want all that attention. But Malfoy always had been an attention seeker, and that's exactly what he was getting. Not only the Slytherins, but also many Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs were fooled by Malfoy pity act. A sigh could be heard from across the table where Parvati Patil swooned. "Oh he's so handsome."

Hermione turned to look at the Slytherin table and scoffed. "Oh he's handsome alright, and rude and conceited and... and... Ugh!" She couldn't put him to words. Hermione turned back around to face three surprised stares. "What?"

Ron growled and mumbled a series of inaudible curses and Harry just looked confused. It was Ginny who spoke up, "You do realize you just called Draco Malfoy handsome, right?"

Hermione gasped pressing her fingers to her lips. "Did I say that out loud?"

Ginny giggled and Harry nodded with a grimace. "I'm afraid you did, Hermione."

    Hermione groaned. "Oh no!" How could she have let something like that slip? Did she even think he was handsome? She'd never really thought about it before. She couldn't deny that she found him at least slightly attractive. Hermione looked back to scrutinize him and their eyes met. He grinned, leering at her with taunting eyes. But for a moment she saw something else. He stared at her with those smoldering eyes and their gaze became intense. It only took a second for Malfoy to realize what was happening. He looked away, tapping on Goyle's chest, making motions in her direction, and laughed.

   "Of all the self-centered, inconsiderate, disrespectful...!" She fumed. He was completely and utterly impossible! How could he be so... so... Ugh! Hermione thought back to Malfoy's promise, something deep inside of her was reassured. Maybe Malfoy wasn't as bad as everyone thought. Maybe, just maybe, there was a part of him that longed to be good. His actions were questionable but his behavior towards herself and the others was inexcusable. However, this was the second time he had performed a good deed. That must mean something. At the very least it ensured there was good in him. Hermione shook her head. She was getting ahead of herself.

"One good deed is not enough to redeem a man of a lifetime of wickedness." She reminded herself. But then again, there was a second part to that quote. "Though it seems enough to condemn him." She whispered to herself.

Harry looked up. "What'd ya say Hermione?"

"Oh nothing. Just talking to myself." She hesitated, then looked back to her empty plate. "You know what, I think I'm going to head over to the library. I need to get some extra reading in before class. I'll meet you in Defense Against The Dark Arts."

Harry nodded and offered a weak smile. "Okay. See you then, Hermione."

   Hermione smiled then stood and walked out of the great hall. She caught Draco's eye and shook her head, showing her disapproval. When he stared at her, stricken, she smirked, satisfied with herself. It wasn't often that she confused or addled Malfoy, but when she did, it was slight progress. Hermione walked away, attempting to mimic his prideful strut with her head held high. The library was not too far from the great hall. She was glad for that because she did not have much time before their first Defense Against The Dark Arts class of the year. She just needed to check out some books and review the first five chapters again. One could never be too prepared.

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